Tuesday, December 26, 2017


The question has been raised, why do we in the Congress of African People, Cuppedia and Cogabo choose, as we say, to Organize Around the Fork. Allow me to address this issue:

1. As a Cultural Revolutionary all of my adult life, our position has been that values, ethics, morality, principles, tradition, history, critical consciousness and the vision which derives from these, are the determinant factors which determine the course and substance of any effective social transformation. In pursuit of the above factors, the Cultural Nationalist Movement has focused on developing ideology and to a lesser degree, engaging in building political and economic institutions. However, the institution building for the most part, has not been a sustainable movement (Gary Convention, Independent Black Political Party, National Black Convention, NBUF). The ideological thrust which has mostly taken shape and form in the Kwanzaa, ASCAC, ALD and a few Academic formations, while effective, it has stalemated in taking us to the next level of struggle. 

2. The Black Power Movement, specifically, and Black Liberation Movement in general have never achieved the heights they might or could have for one basic reason, and that is, they never had the necessary financial backing or economic capacity to fund many of its projects and proposals. Economic self sufficiency has remained a hindrance to elevating the level of struggle, even while the will to fight on many fronts has remained strong in many circles. The Reparations Movement has been viewed by many as a cure all for this critical issue, but is fraught with several contradictions; one, expecting to build a movement with the expectation that our enemy will fund it, and second, not having any expectation of success or when this may happen. Additionally, this has caused a brain drain in terms of developing other more practical strategies.

3. Other than the lack of strong economic empowerment strategies or programs, there are two other critiques I would make of the Black Power Movement which are key, in this writers' opinion. This first is that we did not define and allow for a clear role for the Scientific sector in the movement, even though, we had an 18,000 member global organization in the African Scientific Institute (ASI). Second, there was a need for Women to assume more leadership roles in organizational formations, which in many cases resulted in abuse of women, and/or internecine conflict between organizations or their leadership, mostly made up of men with out of control egos.
4. The Movement to organize around the Fork, though, not intentionally at first, seeks to resolve several of the issues raised above. First, this movement was and is led by a Woman, Anna Marie Carter, the Seed Lady of Watts who is also a Scientist. As a woman, The Seed Lady brings a motherly and womanly concern to the forefront, which is, how do we devise the means to secure the food we, as a community of people eat on a daily basis, while living in a hostile environment which pollutes our food and water, pushes drugs and pills as health remedies as if the FDA and CDC are the Mafia in disguise, places limitations of Black Farmers, and denies African Farmers the resources and global access needed to sell their produce on the World Market. Though the Seed Lady had spent several decades in the Food and Seed Sustainability Movement before, when she was appointed as Lady Ambassador for Food Security and Agriculture in 2011 (International Year for People of African Descent) for the Congress of African People, she took her job description and responsibility very seriously and immediately set about formulating strategies and initiatives to build a Movement around this pertinent issue. 

5. During this period the Seed Lady continued to win awards for her community work, building a seed bank of 2 billion heirloom organic seeds, and developing over 32,000 farms around the country. She was also recognized as the heir apparent to George Washington Carver for developing over 300 uses for the coconut, as he did the peanut. Her resume can be found at www.annacarterstheseedlady.com. Of particular note, was her appointment by the Obama Administration to the International Trade Council (ITC) and later, her appointment as CEO over Reginald Lewis', Beatrice Premier Foods' Division. These latter positions gave her training and access to global food markets, which as stated above, African farmers lacked any real access to. 

6. The above scenario led to CAP and the Seed Lady collaborating together to formulate strategies to and processes to access the extensive Pan African Network of African farmers and professionals of CAP and planning on how to connect them with Global Food Markets allowing us to function in a brokerage position. This strategizing and movement now, has led to the formation of Cuppedia, which is a corporation formed to unite Beatrice Premier Foods with Anna Marie Carter, The Seed Lady. This collaboration now, has resulted in 20 million food products, most of which are coded, 100M African Female Farmers, contracts with Native American Farmers from Canada to Brazil, 600 Indian farmers, Cambodian Youth Farmers, as well as African American Farmers. Currently, Cuppedia holds $20T in Purchase orders from only about 15 countries thus far. This number will increase exponentially once actual trading begins. The infra-structure and capacity building is nearly complete.

7. Part of our strategizing has been what to do with much of the revenues which will be had by this level of global trading. We have committed that large sums will go into development projects, banks, housing, roads, bridges, Waste and Water Management, living wages for farmers, manufacturing, textiles, fashion design, energy and land development. We make history as we enter, full force and effect into a $30 trillion per day industry in which Africa has the best and least polluted soil on the planet. Just a 1% share of this market, far exceeds what could be expected from any kind of Reparations, though, it remains a viable battlefront, but without the brain drain. In conclusion, this movement began with the practical need and desire of a mother wishing to feed her children, non gmo, toxic food which can be tested 100% pure. Additionally, she has added Home Delivery as an added bonus. Reginald Lewis became the first Black Billionaire with Beatrice Foods. Because of him, a caring mother, who happens to also be a scientist and Lady Ambassador, Cuppedia could become the first Black Trillion Dollar Company, of course, with your help and support. Let's make it so!!! In the spirit of this Kwanzaa Season, let's all join together, raise of fists in the air, pulling down seven times, with HARAMBEE!!!!
And thus, this is why we say we must organize around the Fork!!!  "Towards Our Radiant Future" MK 121018 

                                                      THEME FOR KWANZAA 2018

As an original organizer of Kwanzaa, the Pan African holiday, founded in 1966, by the Los Angeles based Us Organization, Chaired by Dr. Ron Karenga, this writer was first to introduce Kwanzaa into the L.A. school system as Chair of the Us, Student Affairs Committee. As Vice Chair of Los Angeles City College's Black Student Union and a member of the statewide, Black Student Alliance we were able to utilize these platforms to penetrate and introduce this culturally grounded and formulated institution as a transformative inspiring event in the lives of African American people, locally, regionally and nationally. From its origins in 1966, when Kwanzaa was founded in a one bedroom apt. with only 50 people, today, it is celebrated on every continent by 60 million people.

Thus far, Kwanzaa has fulfilled its mission of arousing the cultural consciousness of the masses of African descendant peoples around the world. It has transmitted a set of spiritually endowed and secular based values, coming to us as paradigms from our traditional African culture. These values speak to our people in significant ways as they have validated them and given them life in our daily lives on a personal, collective and institutional level. But let us speak frankly here today. We, African people, on a global level are at War. We are at war with those who seek to not only kill us, but invade our countries, impose alien cultural practices and thought, sell our organs and disrespect our women. These are only examples of the objective conditions many of our people live under today. In this context, it is not enough to talk of the need for values and principles, such as Unity, Self Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity and Faith.

We now, call for African drums to call all warriors to battle stations, based on your areas of interest, skill, training and capacity. If you are an organizer, organize! If a construction worker, build houses. If an artist, paint or dance. If a scientist, invent. This year, more than any other in the 51 years of Kwanzaa's existence, it is essential to engage our people in at least 3 areas if we, as community and a global nation becoming, is to grow and develop, and affect the quality of life of our people in substantive and practical way. One, we must seriously engage the process of building institutions which house our interests and aspirations and advance the principles of unity, self determination and purpose. It is desired that we begin to build such institutions as a National Black Assembly made up of people from all sectors of our community, faith, scientific, health, agricultural, education, political, community activists, scholars, and artists. Every community should have a Council of Elders which links to national and Pan African councils. There is a need for a Commonwealth which serves as a unification and governing body for the Diaspora and which sends representatives to sit at the table in the African Union. The World African Community has the capacity to produce all that it needs within our own confines and then, sell surplus in the global markets, using our own trade routes.

In this context, the second key are of engagement, if we are to apply the principles of Kwanzaa in a practical way, is to build industries. Marcus Garvey has eloquently stated that we, as a global community, should control every industry which affects our daily life and destiny. This means we make our own bathroom tissue, drinking water, furniture, attire, have our own health care delivery system, teach our own children, and most of all, grow our own food. I am fortunate to be able to work with the Seed Lady of Watts, Anna Marie Carter, who in her infinite wisdom has saved over 1 billion organic heirloom seeds over the last 40 years. After taking over Reginald Lewis', Beatrice Foods, the Seed Lady, during this Kwanzaa season is launching her own new company, Cuppedia Inc., which caters to non gmo, 100% tested pure products to be distributed to Africa and throughout the world. Ms. Carter has built this company from the ground up, and now has farmers growing for her in Africa, North America, and Native and Indigenous peoples from Canada to Brazil. A key component of her strategy is to make a significant contribution to making Africa the bread basket of the world. She will be setting up food manufacturing centers in Africa and African America, which will result in a significant number of jobs for both communities. It is because of the values in Kwanzaa that we also recognize their worth in building Unity (Umoja) between the continent and diaspora as we endeavor to gain substantial market share in this key industry. It is in this manner that, we, as a people and world community must weaponize our cultural institutions in order that they serve the interests of our peoples aspiration to be fully liberated, and to make our unique contribution to world progress, as a free, proud and productive people. We send out the message for Drum Call all over the world, for all warriors, male and female, Gods and Goddesses to report to their respective battle stations, to resist the destruction of our seeds, which are the greatest wealth we have. Our Ancestors had a vision of a New World, which would be inhabited by a New Black Man and Woman who were not only liberated, but who, would control the productive apparatus in our communities, feed our own people, re-connect with our cultural heritage and legacy, protect and promote our Motherland, Africa, and create a social and economic environment where we, and our children can walk and love in a warmer Sun. This is the message for Kwanzaa 2017. As'e 122617 MK

SUGGESTED BENDERA (FLAG) for all African Descendant Peoples
1. Black on top, putting people first
2. Red - Struggle as blood is spilled on both sides
3. Green - Land, youth, new ideas, leading to a prosperous future
4. Symbol of Ma'at in the middle of the Red, representing the values upon which our classical African society of Kemet was built and sustained for over 5000 years.

"TOWARDS OUR RADIANT FUTURE" - Former President of Burkina Faso, Thomas Sankara

Our unity in sisterhood, brotherhood, and struggle is profound, principled and forever. Our Struggle is constantly and continuously  against our oppressors and against all is us which is in contradiction to our values and the choice we've made. We choose the liberation of our people as our life's goal, and struggle as a method to achieve it. Our choice is conscious, full and free and we accept all risks and welcome all  rewards it brings. We have nothing better, more revolutionary or rewarding to d with our lives than to struggle to bring into being a new world, a world in which we, our children and our people can live, love and create freely and stand and walk in a warmer sun.
 NOTE: Us Organization Pledge of Allegiance to our People and Struggle
The Harambee Project: Pan Africans Engaging Triangular Development on the African Continent and Beyond
by Mwalimu Kabaila on Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 4:46pm
The Harambee Project: Pan Africans Engaging Triangular Development on the African Continent and Beyond

Is a Comprehensive Plan to build institutional structures on the continent of Africa, on land which is autonomous (Like the Vatican and Italy), which would facilitate communications, planning, capacity and strategy building, among and between African people and it's broader Diasporan and Global Community.

1. Commerce, Trade and Cultural Tourism Mission
Developing industries such as  Organic Farming, Textile, Coconut Oil and Bamboo Manufacturing, African Art, African centered Fashion, Cooperative and Wholistic Healing and Wellness, Patents Procurement, Communications and ways in which triangular(Africa, Africa America, Caribbean/Brazil) development strategies can be implemented in each industry which affects our daily lives and destiny. Protection of indigenous mineral rights and natural resources. Protection of Technology,  mineral rights, copyright, trademark,  patents and innovation. Cultural tourism will be inclusive of Resort Facilities and Theme Parks which have cultural, spiritual and educational value. Key to doing International trade in the Global Marketplace, is development of a Business infra-structure, but one based in the African character, and which respects African values and principled traditions.

2. Pan African Monetary System and Harambee Stock Exchange -  A new African currency must be instituted to be administered by Pan African  economists, investment specialists and connected to Pan African Banking entities which invite investment portfolios, and which issues loans for Pan African Development and infra-structure projects such as cross continental rail, bridges, road construction, housing,  energy companies and airports and small business development.

3. Pan African University
Curriculum which not only focuses on correcting our history, but which builds, develops and sustains our cultural heritage is such areas a science,technology, engineering, medicine, math, health, governance, education, and ethics/law.  Also a practicum which is broad based, and supportive of demographical, sociological, geographical studies needed to formulate development proposals. Roles of Rites of Passage, Council of Elders. Development and Expansion of our own Communications and Media Systems. We must also explore the use of Virtual Universities and Academies, especially to reach remote communities.

4. Cultural Center and Perfoming Arts Auditorium
This center would focus on the development and preservation of various spiritual and art forms in Africa and the Diaspora, i.e. African yoga, Capeiora, Languages, Dogon, Zulu, Yorubu, Akan. Classes and Promotion of art forms in the areas of dance, music, film, radio, poetry and performing arts, which have African and liberational themes.

5. African Development Bank
development of banking system on the continent and diaspora, which allows our currencies to compete and which lends themselves to investment portfolios which support Pan African development projects.  

6. Sports Stadium 
     This venue would be used mostly for training of Pan African sports federations and for integrating continental and diasporan Federations in order to compete in world class events, in every sport we wish. It would also hold World Class Sports events on the African continent. Sports has the capacity to forge unity and can be used as a diplomatic model in building relations among and between our diverse global community.

7. Parliament House of Congress of African People (CAP)
Offices and Staffing to facilitate each sector of the Congress, e.g. Governance, Economics and Development, Science and Technology, Education, Health, Collective Concern, Transportation, Communications and Propoganda, Security, Food Security, Agriculture, Energy, and the regular convening of Pan African Congresses to address issues of governance and political culture, in countries inhabited by People of African descent.

     In recognition of and respect for the fact that Ma'at is the most classical and sustainable form of African  spirituality and its tenets permeate mostly all expressions of traditional African  spirituality. A key element of the African Renaissance Movement is to promote knowledge and respect of African spiritual tradtions and the role they play in African Restoration and Liberation. Medu Ntr must be studied as a classical language, and by extension, all African languages must be studied and preserved.

    ALL ARTIFACTS AND ART STOLEN BY EUROPEAN COLONIALISTS MUST BE RETURNED FORTHWITHT!!!! This is a part of Reparations policy. Also, such a museum would recognize the major periods of African peoples history, from Ancient Kemet, Songhai, Mali, Ghana Empires,  Timbuktu, Zulu Wars, Mau Mau, Haitian Revolution, Harlem Renaissance, Grenadian Revolution, Ethiopia, Civil Rights Movement, Black Power and Consciousness Movements, Marcus Garvey and the current Pan African Revolution.

       Developing modalities and new paradigms of how to use the vast resources and natural wealth of Africa for more humane means. Forums and seminars on how to further utilize science in the advancement of human civilization, as opposed to allowing market trends dictate how science is engaged. Establish modalities for how STEM plays an effective role in community building and cultural advancement and development.

      A - ADVOCATES OF MA'AT                    ALTERNATIVE TO THEM

     The Simba Movement would be a methodology of engaging with our youth in a pro-active, meaningful and sustainable      manner. It is also a re-socialization process utilizing African centered paradigms to teach basic community standards        of behavior and conduct. In this regard, Harambee offers the following Rites of Passage Curriculum for the Simba 

by Mwalimu Kabaila on Friday, 
July 30, 2010 at 2:31pm

The Rites of Passage should address:

1. Developing a Multi-dimensional Personality
a. learning one of the arts - music, art, poetry, architecture, computer arts,
b. learning African centered spirituality and values training - Maat, Ifa, Dogon, Zulu, Akhan, etc.
c. Basic knowledge and understanding of Black History - Kemet, Songhay, Mali,Ghana  Reconstruction, Harlem Renassaince, Black Cultural Revolution, Black Arts Movementd.
d. Learning 1 or more African Languages or that POD speak

2. Physical development
a. African Martial arts, Kemetic yoga, meditation,  capoeira, etc.
b. routine of running, walking, swimming, hiking, bicycling, etc.
c. Survival and Disaster training
d. Team sport can be a substitute in this area

3. Community Orientation
a. Senior escort service
b. youth corp training curriculum and means of implementation - Pan African Youth Corps; Community Alert Patrol for gangs and drugs.
c. participation in political campaigns and/or community organizing
d. Regularly scheduled field trips to museums, zoos, plays, park concerts, drives in the country, hiking, camping, bicycling, planetariums, Expos, Family reunions
e. Learning Enviromental concerns and doing Community Farming
f. Volunteering for the Community Marketplace

4. Basic Education and Tutoring
a. Science, Math, Language, writing skills proficiency
b. basic intro to African languages and encouragement to learn at least one extra language.
c. Science, Math, African centered Architecture, computer technology,
d. Maatian governance
e. Matching Career choices with needs of the Community

5. Social Skills
a. relationship training and orientation with reinforcing rituals
b. sexuality from Afrocentric perspective
c. family skills and orientation
d. Communal principles of building community in contemporary society
e. Health - Learning how Food is our Medicine

[6] Economic Values  Orientation
a. how to develop, follow and evaluate a personal budget
b. understanding the importance of a personal savings program
c. practicing collective economic investment and/or wealth-building
d. triangular development (Africa, Caribbean, Africa America and other Diasporan communities)
e. Cooperative Economics orientation
f. Understanding Micro and Macro Economic and Development Planning

[7] Development of Work Habits and Ethics
a. how to plan, use and assess a personal schedule
b. learning to set and accept responsibility for personal priorities
c. practicing collective decision-making and/or organizing
d. Time Management 
e. Physical Work out Regimen

{8} Study Abroad
a. Especially in Africa and the Caribbean

(9) Spiritual Development
a. Maat, Yoruba, Zulu, Akhan, Dogon, etc.
b. wellness, massage, acupuncture, Reiki, meditation

Some of the essential goals and objectives here, in my opinion, should be to establish some community standards and expectations for our youth and establish a system of reward and sanctions that reinforce these, and to institute a type of graduation ceremony with progressive African rituals.

Copyright@ Simbamaat Consultants

Ideally, this Project would operate and function on Land, which was autonomous (much like the Vatican in Italy). This, so it is not partial to any country or region, and is free to address concerns and issues anywhere within the Pan African World, free from the political whims of any particular host government.
Sustainable housing communities could be built around such a compound to house staff and locals needing quality housing. These housing communities would be self sustaining, meaning that they have their own shops, cleaners, community farming, restaurants, movie theaters. Key to this project, is the development of self sustaining industries, of which the most important are Water, Waste and Energy Management. This addition would add a continuous and independent revenue source for the Project, the host community, country and region.
In order to make this project even more attractive and a revenue producing entity, would be to add the Sankofa Theme Park and Isis Spa and Resort. Revenues from these could provide sustainable funding for the cultural center activities.

Next, are 8 Key Areas of Social Space which our people must engage in order to carry out a successful Pan African Cultural Revolution and African Renaissance.The challenge to our Revolutionary Intelligensia is to establish policy, procedures, protocols and programs for how our people and communities, pro-actively engage each of these areas in ways which empower our people to become Active Change Agents of their own Liberation.


1. Economic Affairs
A. Monetary System - currency, banking, finance and Pan African Stock Exchange.
B. Trade, Commerce and Cultural Tourism
C. Industry - Manufacturing, film, music, Technology, Autos D. Agriculture E. Infra-Structure Development – Transportation, Railways, Airports, Energy (solar, bio., geo-thermal, wind, water), Waste Management, Housing F. Marketplaces – Marketing and distribution of goods and services

2. Social Affairs A. Health - Allio-pathic, Wholistic. Herbs, Traditional African, Native American, Oriental and Indian Medicine. Coops, Clinics and other delivery systems B. Education – Developing African paradigms of pedagogy and learning modalities. Book Clubs, Study Groups. C. Family and Youth Development - Rites of Passage; Family forms; Youth Activities.

3. Governance
– Block Clubs, Town Halls, Interest groups
A. Council of Elders, Diplomatic Corps
B. Simba Wachanga, Panthers, New African Scouts
C. Pan African News Serivce - Propoganda/Communications Networks become and Shield and Spear weapon and tool of effective governance.
D. National Formations – NAACP, NAAC, Urban League, CBC, NBUF, Fraternities, Professional Assoc.
E. Pan African formations – CAP, PADU, WADU, UNIA, AU
F. UN – Bringing Self-determination, Tribal, Reparations and Human Rights violation issues before this body.

4. Spiritual Development
A. Using Ma’at and Nguzo Saba as fundamental basis for Ethical and Ecumenical Approaches which recognize and respect Yoruba, Christian, Black Hebrew, Islam, Dogon, Zulu, etc.

5. History A. Historiography – Corrective History, Managing Images

6. Cultural Production and Enrichment -
Poetry, Art, Music, Theater, Film, Dance, Fashion Design, Sport, Technology Entertainment (Cultural Theme Parks, Festivals) and their role, relevance and function in community building.

7. Ethos A. Psychological healing from effects of enslavement and colonialism. B. Building positive self images, modeling C. Re-enforcing gestures and rituals, which create allegiene to our task of building a New African indentity and activities for rebuilding positive African self-concept. a. Oath of Allegience; Taamuli for Newborn Children; Nubian Daily Exercise Ritual; Pan African National Song, and Poem (Poem would be year to year); Motto, etc.

8. Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Forum
This is a key forum which provides not only for exchange of ideas and projects in these respective areas, but also inspires multi-disciplenary and comprehensive planning and strategies which aid and assist the African Community builidng processes.

I. Establishing Trade and Commerce Missions (Africa, New Africa, Caribbean)
II. Revenue and Funding Sources – Dues, Foundations, Investment Clubs/corporations, IMF, UN, taxes
III. Infra-structure Building – Garvey’s notion of building in every industry combined with Booker T’s trade skills training.
IV. Expansion of Cultural and Economic Trade and Exchange
V. Modernization of Agricultural Production/Distribution among African peoples
VI. Systematic and Strategic, Transfer and Exchange of Knowledge, Technology and Science between/among Continental and Diasporan Africans
VII. Dynamic Development Strategies and Methods – Triangular (Africa, New Africa, Caribbean); Square (inclusive of African ex-patriates)

1. Establishing Trade and Commerce Missions (Africa, New Africa, Caribbean)
A. Determining which industries are most attractive to and marketable for African/Diasporan people; e.g. Fashion Industry(African centered designs, textiles, clothing outlets) tourism, agriculture, herbology, sustainable housing Construction (Esp. African centered architecture designs)
.B. Decide where to place each industrial center/plant in order to maximize production and distribution of the designated commodities.
C. Determining the most efficient trade/commerce/transportation routes to get products to market, and whichare for export and which need to be imported.
D. Given the above factors, price schedules must be established which allow for affordability, but also enough profit to make the industry sustainable over time/circumstances (market conditions, weather/climate changes competition.
E. Economic Intelligence – defense and development.
F. Determining the best places to begin building African Marketplaces, which would also house museums, learning centers, theaters, Community Administrative centers (Council of Elders, youth/Simba Corps, Cultural/Convention Center, Communication and Response Teams
.G. Training centers for the various trades or a trade college/university

2. Revenue and Funding Sources
A. dues, taxes, IMF, Foundations, grants, donations, charitiesB. The key difference is that these funds will not go to corrupt politicians or civil servants, but will be allocated and administrated by a Foundation, with a Pan African Board of Directors which will determine which projects get funded based on need; how, when, where, and by what means.
C. We propose that any Reparations which comes in monetary form also be allocated through such Foundation, or Foundation approved sources.
D. Immedidate debt relief for African and Caribbean Countries and people of African descent, as part of a reparations package 

3. Infra Structure Building
A. Transportation – Cross continental Rail System, Modernized air transport system, commercial shipping fleet, trucking system. Roads which facilitate commerce and tourism trade.
B. Sustainable Energy – water (waterfalls, reservoirs, ocean, stream), wind, methanol-ethanol, Solar, Bio-Thermal, which all link up with a continental energy grid.
C. Indigenous Sustainable Sanitation Systems and Water purification. Indigenous Communications Systems with the ability to link up with Global systems. Reduction of and Penalties for Toxic Waste caused by foreign and/or domestic corporations.

4. Expansion of Cultural and Economic Trade an Exchange
A. Exhibition and Preservation of African People artistic heritage and the progressive character of its culture – Museums, Festivals Seminars, Performing Arts Shows
1) As African people enter into this Renaissance era and new stage of development , new rules of engagement must be designed to enter into the global economy. It is mandatory that institutions are built which preserve the integrity of African and Diasporan art forms, languages, systems of thought (Dogon, Maat, Ifa, Akhan, Zulu, Masai, etc.) and cultural traditions, such as Council of Elders, Rites of Passage, Cooperative Economics, Extended Family, Reverence for Nature and the Spiritual Quest for Oneness with a God Force. These defining elements of African life and culture must not be lost or compromised at the expense of modernization and/or development.
2) Recognition that Africa Culture is one of Africa’s most important , if not the most important exports. It has played a dominant role in the American, South American, Caribbean, and Australian cultures, and now even in faraway places such as Japan. African culture has economic and human value. Thus, it must be packaged to represent the best of what Africa was, is and has the possibility to become, though, it should not just be viewed as a commodity, rather, an expression of who we are as a People in the forward flow of human progress.B. Employment of Culture in our Collective Struggle for Human Liberation and Transformation
1) Culture must provide the foundation for our:
(a) Identity – who we are, based on our historical Personality as a people
(b)Purpose – based on who we are, what our role and responsibility is in relationship to elevating the quality of life of our people, creating human progress, and transforming society to reflect the best of who we are as Africans and humans.
(c) Direction – the means we choose to achieve the above. To engage in the struggle to define, defend and develop ourselves as African, Pan Africanists and humans. The process(es) of Social Transformation which allows the human personality to realize its fullest potential, and creates a social context which allows for human flourishing.
2) Definition of a Black Aesthetic which gives Black/African art its distinction and unique qualities as an art form.
3) African and African centered Culture is our most valuable product and therefore, must not only be preserved, but promoted among our own people in our quest to regain our historical personality, and overcome the Post Traumatic Shock of Enslavement.
C. Culture as Economic Stimulus for Africa and Diaspora
1) Gain economic dominance in those areas of Culture where we can gain a measure of control, i.e.
 (a) African centered Fashion Design, tailoring, textiles, haberdashery, millinery
(b) Control of Music Production, distribution and promotion
( c) African Centered Architectural Design
(d) Sports and Entertainment personalities donating to Foundations engaged in Sustainable Development policy, programs and projects.
(e) More exchange between and among African (Nigerian, Ghanaian, Senegalese) and New African filmmakers; building community theaters.(f) Encouraging youth to become more inventive and innovative in technology and teaching modalities, particularly in Black schools.

5. Modernization of Agricultural Production among African people is mandatory, while Preserving the quality of Rural, Social and Cultural Life
.A. Low Carbon foods are healthier/while balance must be struck with export/import crops.
B. Irrigation systems must be installed and maintained, esp. in arid and dry areas.
C. Basis for industry-wide growth as Garvey called for; feeding into grocery markets and restaurant chains; developing food and herb coops; Holistic Health Coops and delivery systems which service underserved communities.D. Methodologies which ensure that African Mineral Wealth benefits indigenous people. Corruption must be challenged and rooted out, and replaced by a system which allows re-distribution of wealth on a level of parity. Quatar and Kuwait might serve as models.

6. Transfer and Exchange of Knowledge, Technology and Science between and among Continental Africans and Diasporans – A. Each sector of the African World (Continental Africans, African Americans, African ex-patriates, Caribbeans, Brazilians, Africans in Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, and the rest of Diaspora) must seek methodologies and modalities whereby Science, Knowledge and Technology will be used for human good and progress from an African Worldview, which puts humanity, and Human Good at the center. Emphasis on establishing consortiums, economic clubs, Coops, Conferences and strive to build Pan African Universities which can encourage inventions, study of African languages, architecture, science, Math, Governance, and requirements for re-structuring civil society.

7. Dynamic Development Strategies and Methods –
A. Revolution, as a social phenomena, should never be limited to just struggle from physical bondage, but is inclusive of economic, political and psychological liberation also. Sustainable development strategies and methodologies must be cognizant of this fact, while seeking ways and means of empowering the disenfranchised (peasants, workers and people of color). In this millineum, in todays’ world, Sustainable Development is the sine qua non of today’s revolutionary process. Sloganizing, theorizing nor repeating ideological formulations will no longer suffice as substitutes for designing ways in which we satisfy human need. The degree to which ideologies, theories and slogans contribute to human growth and flourishing, i.e. Sustainable Development, is the new criteria for their validity. Now is the time to make the world we only imagined 60 years ago.

The Congress of African People (CAP) views Food Security and Agricultural Development as top priorities facing the Pan African Community. Let's explore a few reasons why:
1. Much of African Culture is based on an Agrarian Foundation. Lest we forget that our fore parents brought to the West were brought for our farming skills. Many of our parents were either born or raised on farms in the South.
2. Much of the land which African Americans owned was/is farm land, though much has been lost, and we must work to regain those losses. Therefore, we have an historical and spiritual relationship to the land base, as do Native Americans.
3. 85% of the Worlds Food supply is owned by 5 or less multi-national companies, these companies promote and lobby for the distribution of genetically modified foods (GMO), much of which can be connected to disease processes in our bodies. Thru these companies criminal and inhumane practices, they seek to dominate the food market by making seeds which only last one time, and making toxic fertilizers, which kill off the soil base.
4. These disease processes compromises our health and causes our people to become victims of a system which serves people bad food (GMO), causing them to enter the health care system early, and then further victimized by a health care system which addicts us to pharmaceudicals rather than farmaceudicals.
5. We at CAP adopt our Ancient Ancestor, Imhoptep's admonition and policy, that we must make "Food our Medicine, and Medicine our Food". Farm/Garden grown foods and herbs are nature's way of providing the proper nutritional balance and healing for our Body Temples. This premise must also be reflected in our new and holistic approaches to health and wellness, as well as in our newly formulated health delivery systems. We also adopt the Seed Lady of Watts' motto, "We only eat what we Grow".
6. The growing and preparation of food has always been a spiritually based practice in our community, and when we are disassociated from them, our spiritual balance and center is thrown into disharmony, and we become alienated from a key aspect of our Spiritual Culture. Western culture breeds such alienation, and organic food (100% tested pure) becomes a way of reconnecting to our Body Temples.
7. While Africa is known mostly for its mineral wealth, it also has one of the richest soil bases in the world, and most every food product can be grown there. Thus, gaining control of our Food Production is a key element of economic empowerment and development


1. Recognition of Africa as the Food Basket of the World
    A. Africa has this distinction because of its excellent climate, soil, and environmental conditions. Therefore, agricultural policy must not succumb to the need for industrialization. On the contrary, the emphasis should be on the greening of industry, such that we reduce the effects of pollution of land, air, and water resources.
    B. The nutritional and medicinal value of African plants and vegetation should be thoroughly researched and exploited. Following such research, market analysis should be done to explore the best ways and methods of bringing products to market. 
  C. Of major import is the spiritual, relationship and connection African people have enjoyed historically to the land of our ancestors. It was the rationale for bringing our people to the "West". This valued relationship must remain paramount in any and all policy and planning considerations. The spiritual dimensions of this relationship must also be embodied in our cultural and creative production. Thus, the Congress of African People adopts the Kemetic and Yoruba admonitions, "To Bring Good into the World" as a fundamental creed which defines our relationship with nature, land, seeds, and food. We accept our responsibility as caretakers of the Earth, Air and Water resources which nourish ourselves, our families, communities and mankind. This is a Sacred Trust and Divine Relationship with the Sun and all earthly resources which we depend on for sustenance. These lessons are taught in the Spiritual teachings of the Temple of Ma'at.

2. The Primacy of the Relationship between Agricultural Production, Food Sovereignty and Food Security.
     A. African land must reside in the hands and control of African people and due consideration given to being administered by Tribal groupings with general guidelines. Birth on the African continent is not a criteria for being African, rather, having historical, cultural and spiritual ties to the land, people and culture. With Tribal groups having administrative control ensure to some degree, the maintenance of valuable cultural traditions and practices since many grew out of Agrarian society.
     B. No aliens should be allowed to own African land. Short term leasing should be the only options for aliens as long as they conform to African standards and protocols for land use.
     C. Food Companies engaging in GMO's should be banned from all African and Caribbean soil and must be considered enemy combatants. Such companies seek domination and control of food production and undermine sovereignty, health,  security rights and responsibilities.
     D. We must seek to own our own Food companies which value our health and sovereignty rights. Therefore we must control all vertical and horizontal processes,
such as processing, fertilizers, distribution and retail.

3. African and Pan African Policy Makers and Planners must adopt the value and admonition that "Food is our Medicine, and Medicine is our Food". CAP also adopts the COGABO motto, "We Only Eat What We Grow". This is as much for defensive reasons and pro-active ones.
    A. First and foremost, this policy is people centered rather than profit motivated. Western medicine, despite its ethical declarations, is driven by large profits to be made in the GMO, hospital and pharmaceudical industries.
     B. African values and ethics dictate that emphasis should be better spent on prevention vs. the curative aspect of medicine. Based on the Maatian principles of balance and harmony, Integrative approaches to medicine and health are encouraged.

4. Balance should be sought with crops for import/export and those to be used for local consumption. 
     A. Companies allowed land use, under lease, for export crops such as cocoa, should not only pay fair wages, but also be contracted to grow crops for local consumption at fair prices.
      B. Market analysis should first start based on local needs, then, regional, national, Pan African and then World. African proverb says, "Collect sand where you are standing, not running down the beach."
      C. A division of labor in the food production industries should reflect the needs of import, export, local consumption, labor technology needs, transportation, distribution; soil fertilizers, climate and environment.
       D. Where possible, food and Agricultural Coops should be instituted to encourage more efficient use of land, planting strategies, and harvesting techniques.

5. Education of the medicinal and health qualities and nature of food should be given highest priority in Pan African Communities. 
       A. Emphasis should be put on the health needs and well being of people above profits. Knowledge of Farmacology must be incorporated into Rites of Passage. 

 B. Food Production and Sovereignty are among the highest value considerations since food comes from the earth to nourish our Body Temples. Food is a connecting factor between the divine, nature and the human spirit, and therefore, its production cannot reside in the control of aliens. This Sacred relationship must be embodied within the cultural and spiritual fabric  of our Pan African Community. and no alien will ever have the right to abridge or interfere with this relationship. Anyone seeking to break this bond will and should face the full, force and effect of our community, ancestors, and African Gods.

6. Forming Guerilla Gardens and Seed Banks are  Critical to Food Sovereignty
        A. Guerilla gardens are necessary to guard against sabotage and/or legal manipulation by Monsanto type companies and interests. Their main purpose is to grow organic seeds for saving in Seed Banks.
        B. Farmers and Community gardeners must save organic seeds in order to ensure communities maintain free and unimpaired access to Non GMO foods. Corporate interests seek to dominate the food industry. Seed banks are a key factor against wanton domination and interference in the community's spiritual relationship with its food sources.

7. Unite and join the Global Movement against deforestation and pollution of water sources. 
        A. Hemp,  Bamboo and other natural products can be used to make most products that wood and petroleum are used for. Some research cites as many as 300 products at a minimum.
        B. Many of the worlds’ forested regions continue to house medicinal and nutritional food sources. As Stewards of the land and planet, it's our duty and responsibility to protect these regions and resources from human predators.
  C. Likewise we must also protect our oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams and waterways from pollution, as they are also sources of untold and unlimited nutrients for our Body Temples, therefore giving them Sacred value and worth. The collection of rain water is also a protected practice with proper regulation.  

8. Pan African Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, and Health Institutions and Movements should reflect policies, programs and practices which promote the maximum progressive and collective interests of African people.
           A. As a global community we must have policies and practices which clearly draw the role and relationship of agriculture, food sovereignty and health to each other. Each industry and system share an inter-dependency which should first, be expressed in policy formulation.
           B . A clear and concise definition of what we mean by food sovereignty is needed here. Food Sovereignty means, that African people, wherever we are, have the right and responsibility to control our food production, and that this right cannot be abridged by any alien force or power. As an African people, we reserve the right of Self Determination to assert our spiritual connectedness to the agricultural products we consume into our Body Temples. No alien can define this relationship for us, as this is a Sacred domain.
           C. Thus, we urge the NCOE to call for formation of Pan African mobilization efforts, institutes, research facilities, alliances, regulatory entities, farmers, unions, Coops, Integrative Medical Schools, and clinics, physician assistants and nursing schools, trade/commerce, and export/import entities, all of which subscribe to the above policies and practices in the Spirit of Maat, our unifying Spirituality and foundational principles.
  D. Though Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, and Health are independent industries, in the Pan African context, they form and inter-related whole. They, each, and together, contribute in significant ways to a system of Wellness, Prevention and Care which is grounded in African history, culture, and science. In our pursuit of a health and agricultural policy platform, it remains important to maintain cultural and historical continuity.

9. The Food Industry as a Wealth Builder
The Global Food Industry may be one if not the greatest wealth building industry in the world, at $30 Trillion per day. Even a modest market share in this industry could create wealth equal to or greater than most national budgets. As we begin to engage Africa in this global market, we must ask the question, what do we do with this wealth? In answer to this question, it is required that we, African people, begin to establish possibilities and priorities in terms of sustainable development needs and plan 5, 10 and 50 years in advance. We must determine what institutions and industries are needed today and in the near and distant future. We must educate and teach the kind and quality of values and ethics to our children which will allow for social development to keep pace with scientific and industrial innovation. Africa and African people must take the lead in such a movement, as few are even aware of the incongruities and dissonance which is created by such a confluence.

Food Sovereignty is the key link which allows us to do this. Herbs and food have traditionally been used for health purposes. In many African tribal groups, harvest festivals were and are a significant event of cultural and spiritual  nature. The Pan African holiday of Kwanzaa is based on such  a harvest celebration. We, as a global community, must formulate other relevant institutional structures which re-enforce these cultural and spiritual traditions. Our challenge today, is to ground our scientific advancement in these key areas, with the knowledge and wisdom of our Ancestors, and our daily social needs and aspirations.
If we are to look at Food Sovereignty from a scientific perspective, we must analyze several key elements, and then put together a global structure which allows African people assert their role and relevance in this global industry.
First, we must assess and value our land base, particularly on the continent, which as stated, has the potential to become the Breadbasket of the World. We must not allow industrial pollutants to contaminate our land base. We must use the latest scientific processes to ensure soil fertility at the highest level. We have scientists in the African Scientific Institute (ASI) which have developed such techniques. We need to employ them.
Second, we must ensure we diversify our agricultural production to include not only non gmo vegetable products for food, but also raw materials for textiles, such as flax, bamboo, hemp, cotton, etc. For those choosing to continue eating meat, we must have Halal, Free Range and Kosher meat production.
Third, we must develop the latest techniques in food processing as this is a key step in the food production chain, and the first after harvesting.
Fourth, is the expansive manufacturing processes of food, particularly as VAP, value added products. These would include flash freezing, freezing and other modalities depending on customer requests.
Fifth, we must have a sophisticated system of transport, whether by truck, ship, air, drones, etc.
Sixth, would be the system for retail distribution, such as markets, malls, restaurants, hotels, home delivery, and the use of online services.
Seventh, would be connecting to educational networks to educate our people on the value of eating non gmo foods, ensuring that we expand the market among our communities first, and then the larger society. This is critical, as the GMO marketeers have contaminated people's thinking for decades, not really caring for the health and economic risks it brings. We, in Cuppedia and CAP have come to reverse this process among our people and those who allow us to educate them pro-actively.
Ase' MK 71414

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