Monday, October 21, 2019



It is an African Sacred Tradition and Ceremony to pour Libation not only as our way of honoring our Ancestors, but more importantly, to invite and invoke their Divine Spirits to join us in celebration, communion and community as we come together to practice and engage the values, principles, vision and virtues which have defined and united us as a people since the beginning of time. African Ancestors remain a part of the Community because they have laid the foundation upon which we build, rebuild, restore and reconstruct African Communal Networks in the Era of African Rebirth.
We pour libation for those secular and spiritual values which have held African societies and communities together over thousands of years and formed the foundation for who we are and shall be for eternity. We pour for the secular principles of Unity, Self Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity and Faith. We pour for the unifying Sacred Virtues of Truth, Justice, Balance, Harmony, Order, Propriety and Reciprocity. And we pour for the Admonition of our Yoruba and Kemetic Ancestors, that it is our duty and responsibility to always "Bring Good to the World". As'e
We pour libation for the God force which resides in each of our Body Temples, and which allows us, on each Sunrise, to ascend to heaven each day as we seek to achieve Self Mastery; Mastery of Speech, Mastery of Thought, Mastery of Conduct and Mastery of Emotion. It is through this Mastery that we in fact, become Gods and Goddesses. This is the teaching of our Sacred and Divine Ancestors. As'e

We pour libation for our heroes and heroines who have defined and defended our Africanity throughout history and left a legacy of Sacred Life and Spiritual and Social Liberation. We call their names to resurrect their memory and honor them as they enter our presence: Ptah, Kheti, Ramses, Hatsheput, Tiye, Hannibal, Yaa Asantewaa, Shaka, Marcus Garvey, WEB DuBois, Harriet Tubman, Fannie Lou Hamer, Malcolm X, Dr. Asa Hilliard and Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, Wanguri, Amilcar Cabral, Sekou Toure, Kwame Nkrumah, George Padmore, Jomo Kenyatta, Patrice Lumumba, Marielle Franco and Thomas Sankara. Please add to this list those in your respective families. As'e

We pour libation for those who are on the Battlefronts across the globe fighting for Global African Liberation and a Higher Level of Life in this Era of African Rebirth as we seek to realize the admonition of our Sacred Ancestors "To Bring Back the Good". Let the Sacred Drum Call assemble all Warriors and Soldiers to the battlefields as we seek to realize the Vision of a New Africa, Nubia or Kemet, with a New African Man and Woman to inhabit it. As'e

We pour Libation for the New World we seek to bring into existence for our children, yet to be born, that they may enjoy beautiful Sunrises and Sunsets and the fulfillment and flourishing of life and the fruits of our Ancestors sacrifices and labor. May they Walk through life, beautiful more that anything, Stand in Sunlight, and know we're on the Go for LOVE!!!!
As'e, As'e, As'e
MK 102319

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