Tuesday, February 3, 2015



To create and build a conscious, committed, disciplined, community focused, spiritually grounded, knowledge based, physically prepared, and technologically trained Pan African Youth Corps. The Simba Wachanga view Africa as a Global Entitiy, joining the continent and diaspora under the common African Spiritual Values of Ma'at (Truth, Justice, Balance, Harmony, Order, Propriety and Reciprocity) and Secular Values, the Nguzo Saba (7 Principles; Unity, Self Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity and Faith)

"TOWARDS OUR RADIANT FUTURE" - Former President of Burkina Faso, Thomas Sankara

Our unity in sisterhood, brotherhood, and struggle is profound, principled and forever. Our Struggle is constantly and continuously against our oppressors and against all is us which is in contradiction to our values and the choice we've made. We choose the liberation of our people as our life's goal, and struggle as a method to achieve it. Our choice is conscious, full and free and we accept all risks and welcome all rewards it brings. We have nothing better, more revolutionary or rewarding to do with our lives than to struggle to bring into being a new world, a world in which we, our children and our people can live, love and create freely and stand and walk in a warmer sun.
NOTE: Us Organization Pledge of Allegiance to our People and Struggle

Black - for our people everywhere, the first and most global people on the planet
Red - For the Righteous Struggle we wage for a higher level of life, and the blood our ancestors have shed, and that our enemies will.
Green - Represents our Future, Youth, and New Ideas which will guide us towards achieving our collective goals and aspirations.
Symbol of Ma'at - in middle of bendera, representing Unifying Value System

Historically, the Simba Wachanga (Young Lions) were the Youth Movement during the period of the Mau Mau, as they fought to liberate Kenya from British colonial rule. The Movement was reinvigorated again in 1967, in Los Angeles, California, in the Us Organization, the founding organization of the Pan African holiday, Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa grew out of the Cultural Nationalist ideology called Kawaida (meaning "tradition"), attributed to Dr. Ron Karenga. During this Era, the Simba Wachanga had several purposes and roles. 
1. Rites of Passage - from adolescence to adulthood
2. Training Ground for Community and Student Organizers
3. Served as a National Community and Family Unit for adherents - values and aspirations for a higher level of life were shared.
4. Youth leaders were trained to promote and institute Cultural Nationalist and Pan Africanist ideology on local, state, regional, national, and throughout the Pan African World. Steven Biko, the leader of the Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa, utilized the Nguzo Saba as a foundation for organizing. 
5. It taught and encouraged a variety of skill sets which could be used in Nation Building, e.g. teachers, soldiers/warriors, communication technicians, parenting, priests, students, artists, engineering, contractors, scientists, community leaders, political operatives, civic leadership, union organizers, etc.
6. Trained to become an efficient, disciplined, and effective Defensive Force in protection of Development goals achieved in the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements.
Key areas of such training were in the fields of communications, community organizers, teachers, soldiers/warriors, parents, priests, students, artists, engineers, technologists, scientists, and community leaders.

The Simba of the current era have chosen to call themselves, Pan African Simba Wachanga  Movement. Statistics show that, on the African Continent alone, 50% of the population is 25 years old and under. Thus, in a Post Independence, African Renaissance Period, we must redefine and refine the Role, Relevance and Function of the Simba Movement to ensure that it responds to the wants, needs and aspirations of the Global African Family and Community.

1. Initially, we encourage Simba Formations to constitute themselves into study groups  in which they study classic reading texts in the area of African Liberational Theory and Practice.
This is based on the contention that one must be equipped ideologically, before engaging the masses in Liberational Projects.

2. What will distinguish today's Simba is their engagement in three key areas;
A. Ideology -Developing and building a unifying, spiritually grounded ideology based on Ma'at and the Nguzo Saba (Seven Principles). These ideologies have already begun to take root in communities throughout the Pan African Global Community.

B. Industry Building - As Marcus Garvey admonished us, we must control every industry which affects our daily lives and destiny. This includes Agriculture, Science, Communications, Waste Management, Construction, Trade, Commerce, Banking/Finance, Fashion and Design, Cultural/Creative Production, etc.

C. Institution Building - There is no more important institution for African Youth, than a Standardized Formulated RITES OF PASSAGE Program, which should be instituted in every community, hamlet and village. NO AFRICAN YOUTH SHALL BE LEFT BEHIND. This is necessary in order to socialize and re-socialize our youth with African values, views, worldview and practices, which re-inforce our human capacity to create progress and make the kind of contribution to humanity, of which we are capable as an African People. College credits should be given to those serving as mentors in such a program. Such institutions must be build such as Congresses, National Assemblies, Block Clubs, Town Halls, Round Tables, and Diasporan Commonwealth.

The Simba Rites of Passage Program shall be inclusive of the following:
Mwalimu Kabaila on Friday, July 30, 2010 at 2:31pm

The Rites of Passage should address:

This curriculum for Rites of Passage is to serve as a guide to standardize Rites of Passage (ROP) throughout the Pan/New African Community, with necessary modification for local peculiarities. The rationale and reason for standardization is so the same expectations can apply to any youth wherever they are, and if they move around in the middle of their instruction.
Either Elders or Mentors who are experts (or those who have been trained) in their respective fields can serve as Instructors or Mwalimu (Swahili for teacher) for each module. Each initiate should have an Elder and/or Mentor assigned to them for guidance and/or counsel along their path to ROP graduation. As much as possible, ROP should be a communal experience, though personal attention needs to be given in accord with each personality. If one does not have an African name, one should be given according to the initiates talent, gift or aspiration as described by those who know them best.
Graduations are very important and key to the ROP process, as they represent the fulfillment of goals established by the community and the initiate, alike. These should be important events in the community, as they represent the future of our Global and local communities and the pro-active and positive development of our cultural heritage. Graduations should represent the satisfaction of a minimum set of requirements from each module, and honors give for exceptional achievement. Graduations should also be elaborate and inclusive of culturally relevant rituals which have lasting meaning and social significance. Focus and attention must be given to the fact that this most memorable event represents the transition from adolescence to young adulthood of the community's prodigies. To ensure standardization, it is suggested that a Shahada (certificate) be given and/or signed by Paul Hill's Rites of Passage Institute, Cleveland, Ohio, or, on the continent, an acceptable Tribal Chief, or elsewhere in Diaspora, an agreed upon Elder(s). This would ensure minimum requirements have been satisfactorily completed giving the Shahada universal validation.

(1.) Developing a Multi-dimensional Personality
a. learning one of the arts - music, art, poetry, architecture, computer ar
b. learning African centered spirituality and values training - Maat, Ifa, Dogon, Zulu, Akhan, etc.
c. Basic knowledge and understanding of Black History - Kemet, Songhay, Mali,Ghana  Reconstruction, Harlem Renassaince, Black Cultural Revolution, Black Arts Movementd.
d. Learning 1 or more African Languages or that POD speak

(2.) Physical development
a. African Martial arts, Kemetic yoga, meditation,  capoeira, etc.
b. routine of running, walking, swimming, hiking, bicycling, etc.
c. Survival and Disaster training
d. Team sport can be a substitute in this area

(3.) Community Orientation
a. Senior escort service
b. youth corp training curriculum and means of implementation - Pan African Youth Corps; Community Alert Patrol for gangs and drugs.
c. participation in political campaigns and/or community organizing
d. Regularly scheduled field trips to museums, zoos, plays, park concerts, drives in the country, hiking, camping, bicycling, planetariums, Expos, Family reunions
e. Learning Enviromental concerns and doing Community Farming
f. Volunteering for the Community Marketplace
g. Community Clean

(4.) Basic Education and Tutoring
a. Science, Math, Language, writing skills proficiency
b. basic intro to African languages and encouragement to learn at least one extra language.
c. Science, Math, African centered Architecture, computer technology,
d. Maatian governance
e. Matching Career choices with needs of the Community

(5.) Social Skills
a. relationship training and orientation with reinforcing rituals
b. sexuality from Afrocentric perspective
c. family skills and orientation
d. Communal principles of building community in contemporary society
e. Health - Learning how Food is our Medicine

[6] Economic Values  Orientation
a. how to develop, follow and evaluate a personal budget
b. understanding the importance of a personal savings program
c. practicing collective economic investment and/or wealth-building
d. triangular development (Africa, Caribbean, Africa America and other Diasporan communities)
e. Cooperative Economics orientatation
f. Understanding Micro and Macro Economic and Development Planning
g. Food Sovereignty - home gardening, seed banks,

[7] Development of Work Habits and Ethics
a. how to plan, use and assess a personal schedule
b. learning to set and accept responsibility for personal priorities
c. practicing collective decision-making and/or organizing
d. Time Management 
e. Physical Work out Regimen

{8} Study Abroad
a. Especially in Africa and the Caribbean

(9) Spiritual Development
a. Maat, Yoruba, Zulu, Akhan, Dogon, etc.
b. wellness, massage, acupuncture, Reiki, meditation
c. understanding the difference between spirituality and religion. Spirituality is attainment for the higher values which promote human life and development. Religion is based on ones relationship with a certain god concept, and codified set of behaviors which demand adherence to definite tenets.

Some of the essential goals and objectives here, in my opinion, should be to establish some community standards and expectations for our youth and establish a system of reward and sanctions that reinforce these, and to institute a type of graduation ceremony with progressive African rituals.

SHEREHE - Rites of Passage Celebration, Graduation, Ceremony, Initiation

The Sherehe is the culminating event for the Rites of Passage of young Pan African Youth. The youth must have gone through several necessary modules as outlined above and demonstrated competent and satisfactory completion of all necessary components as designated by his/her mentors. 
At age 14, the youth must have been prepared for graduation to advanced Simba/Malaika status and is ready to become a full participant in the decisions affecting their community/nation. 

1. The initiate must complete a collective project, which will consist of creative arts, such as a collective dance, song, poem, story, art, science project, community planning project, history project, language project or personal growth and development project. If a history project, it may focus on any period, personality, location in the African global community, or topic and/or event in global African history. It can also be a research project in any topical area. Additional ideas are to do a conservation project to plant trees, clear waterways of waste, plant community gardens, beautify communities with flowers, mentor orphans, etc.

2. The initiate must also complete a personal project in the form of a presentation, from 3 to 10 minutes long which must focus on some value, principle, virtue or ethic which is found in any of the spiritual traditions of African people, particularly, of Ma'at, Nguzo Saba (7 Principles of Kwanzaa), Yoruba, Dogon, Akan, Zulu, Mbongi and relate to how these systems contribute to Community Building.

3. This event is to end with a Karamu, a community celebration at which Shahada are presented to each initiate for completion of their required Simba curriculum and all in the community recognize the initiates for their achievements.

Copyright@ Simbamaat Consultants 2009

3. Mentors, Elders, and Community Leaders must engage Youth in Social, Economic and Culturally Relevant Enterprises which contribute to Nation Building and Pan African Community. Activities centered around the practice of Kwanzaa Principles year round, and among others are Agriculture, Wellness, Health Care Delivery, Education, STEM, Communication, Trade and Commerce, Fashion, Design, Food Coops, Drum N Dance Circles, Cultural Tourism, African Architecture, Creative Production (Poetry, Literature, Theater, Technology, Film, Sport, etc), Minerals, Forestry, Husbandry, Oceanography, Transportation, Contractor/Builders, Food Preparation, Tailors etc.

    Those who express a will and have the capability should be trained in the defensive arts, though all should serve a term in service in the Corp is some capacity. The Corps shall draw from the Rites of Passage for more intense training for Cultural Warrior/Priests as they are first line defenders of African integrity, values, and lifestyle/life chances. In order to facilitate this mandate, the following Pan African Structure is proposed:
A. International Chief of Staff to serve for one year or until a Council of Elders is formed to facilitate leadership and direction, whichever comes first.

B. Regional Amiri - duties are to report to the COS; Coordinate at Regional levels; implement secured communication networks; allocation and distribution of resources; coordinate needs assessments on local and state levels; Coordinate Propaganda, Media and Public Relations (PR); Establish and Coordinate a Center for Command and Control; Set guidelines for Speakers Bureau for Africa, Caribbean, Europe, North America, Central America, South America, and rest of Diaspora.

C. National Amiri - duties are same as Regional Amiri, only on a National Level. He/She also manages and administers Ambassadorial teams and staff.

D. Kaimu - Administrates at the level of City, Rural Area and has Command and Control responsibilities, with advise and consent of National Amiri.

E. Sultani - Immediate Command and Control over each Tribal or administrative groups on the local levels, and reports to the Kaimu.

F. Makamu - Assists the Sultani and acts in his/her absence

G. Jeledi - This is designated for Unit, Squad or Cadre leaders, and have immediate responsibilities to ensure everyone in Units receive proper training and respond to discipline. Jeledi are also first line reporters and reportees for internal security, who report immediately to the Sultani and/or Makamu.

H. Kasisi - Each Tribe shall have a Kasisi who is more in tuned to spiritual disciplines and is available for counseling where and when the need arises in the ranks.

I. Kobi - Kobi Units are for New Recruits who go through a 7 week initiation or 14 days intensive. Makamu are responsible to ensure each Kobi receives and completes initiation and makes recommendation to Sultani for each graduation. Sultani and Amiri must sign off on Shahada (Certificate). Jeledi and Kasisi have immediate responsibility implementing training modules and evaluation for graduation.  Both male and female may participate in this training together, however female who may not choose to go thru this form of discipline training may opt for Malaika (Angels) Training.

J. Malaika - Malaika will have their own Chain of Command, preferably with a Queen Mother at it's head Administratively, and another Queen who heads operations.
Inclusive in Malaika Iniation (with approval of Queen Mother) should be:
1. Family Nutrition - Make food your medicine. A working knowledge of herbs
2. Forming Seed Banks and Community Gardens and Markets
3. Child Care and/or Rearing
4. Cultural Holidays and Rituals - Birth Whispering, Naming Ceremonies, Marriage Ceremonies and rituals, Kwanzaa, Day(s) of Atonement, ROP rituals, Funary rituals, knowing 42 Declarations of Innocence and Nguzo Saba.
5. Goddess Training
6. Building Community
7. Enterprise Training

This unit is charged with disseminating information to other youth groups, churches, community groups, gangs, orphanages, group homes, etc. and let them know of the program and work which SIMBA is doing on a local, national, regional and global level. They are charged, also, with Bringing the Good and Righteousness of Maat, and the values and ethics of the Nguzo Saba as they form the basis of for building Pan African Unification, with a African Spiritual foundation and focus. This group will also be trained to set up chapters and training and initiation modules, and to identify members for specialized university and/or academy training.


A. 3 Ends of Culture
    1. Identity - who we are as African
    2. Purpose - What we do, Nation Building
    3. Direction - How we build; Pan African Institution Building
B. 4 Basis for Organization
    1. Ideology - Goals; Objectives
    2. Organization - Structure; Program; Projects
    3. Communication
    4. Resources - Financial, Material, Human
C. 2 Basis for Movement
    1. Tradition
    2. Reason
D. 4 Ends to Pan African Power
    1. Self Determination
    2. Self Respect
    3. Self Defense
    4. Self Reliance
E. 7 Criteria for Culture
    1. Spirituality/Religion
    2. History
    3. Political Organization
    4. Social Organization
    5. Economic Organization
    6. Creative Production - Art, Literature, Music, Fashion, Theater, Technology, Architecture, Film, Sport, Gaming.
    7. Ethos - Education and Spirituality (appreciation for higher values which promote life and higher level of living)
F. 7 Levels of Unity
    1. Self
    2. Family
    3. Community
    4. Neighborhood
    5. Nation
    6. Global Pan African Community
    7. Third World

    A. All Kobi are required to go to at least one Community Meeting which can be a trade org., community groups, rural association, professional group, student or government org. Where there may not be group formations Kobi will form Block Clubs, with the emphasis on Organize, Organize, Organize!!!!!

    A. Bandera - Flag
        1. Black - People
        2. Red - Struggle
        3. Green - Land, Youth who are our Future
        4. Simba - Symbol of Strength, courage and African dignity


Our unity in sisterhood, brotherhood, and struggle is profound, principled and forever. Our Struggle is constantly and continuously  against our oppressors and against all is us which is in contradiction to our values and the choice we've made. We choose the liberation of our people as our life's goal, and struggle as a method to achieve it. Our choice is conscious, full and free and we accept all risks and welcome all  rewards it brings. We have nothing better, more revolutionary or rewarding to do with our lives than to struggle to bring into being a new world, a world in which we, our children and our people can live, love and create freely and stand and walk in a warmer sun.
 NOTE: Kawaida Pledge of Allegiance to our People and Struggle


      7 Cardinal Virtues
      1. Truth
      2. Justice
      3. Balance
      4. Harmony
      5. Order
      6. Propriety
      7. Reciprocity

      Nguzo Saba (7 Principles of Kwanzaa)
      1. Umoja - Unity
      2. Kujichagulia - Self Determination
      3. Ujima - Collective Work and Responsibility
      4. Ujamaa - Cooperative Economics
      5. Nia - Purpose
      6. Kuumba - Creativity
      7. Imani - Faith

      42 Declarations of Innocence  

                                                                                   (Concepts for Living in Balance and Propriety)   
I have not violated Community values or principles
I have not committed robbery with violence
I have not stolen
I have not slain men and women
I have not stolen food
I have not swindled offerings
I have not stolen from the Temple
I have not told lies
I have not carried away food
I have not cursed
I have not closed my ears to truth
I have not committed adultery
I have not made anyone cry
I have not felt sorrow without reason
I have not assaulted anyone
I am not deceitful
I have not stolen anyone's land
I have not been an eavesdropper
I have not falsely accused anyone
I have not been angry without reason
I have not seduced anyone's wife
I have not polluted myself
I have not terrorized anyone
I have not disobeyed the law
I have not been excessively angry
I have not cursed that which is held to be Sacred
I have not behaved with violence
I have not caused disruption of peace
I have not acted hastily or without thought
I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern
I have not exaggerated my words when speaking
I have not worked evil
I have not used evil thoughts, words or deeds
I have not polluted the water
I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly
I have not cursed anyone in thought, word or deed
I have not placed myself on a pedestal
I have not stolen that which belongs to the Temple
I have not stolen from or disrespected the deceased
I have not taken food from a child
I have not acted with insolence
I have not destroyed property belonging to the Temple

11. Extra Curricular Studies and Activities for Dedicated Simba
     A. Having a working knowledge of one or more Pan African ethnic languages, not your own.
     B. Learning and Knowing Medu Neter (Md Ntr)
     C. Learning Swahili and one other ethnic language, not of your own.
     D. Engage in Movement for Atonement - Ritualizing Our personal and collective commitment and re-commitment to Building continental, diasporan and global Pan African Community and being/becoming agents of our Healing Process. 

Simba and Malaika must write a paper by age 14 to be presented at there Sherehe ya Shujaa or Warrior Ceremony from a theme in the Husia, The Wisdom of Kemetic/African Ancients/Sages; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/208574329_Selections_from_the_Husia_Sacred_Wisdom_of_Ancient_Egypt


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