Sunday, July 10, 2016



Key to building an Harambee Movement for Peace and Security, we must be concerned with defense and development. Without development, there is no forward progress or growth; without defense, a barbarian or alien will come and destroy all we have built.  Therefore, a culturally grounded Youth Corps which includes Warrior/Priests who are trained to minister to the needs of our community in peace times by teaching and practicing the Nguzo Saba (Seven Principles) and Kwanzaa Accords,  as they will serve as models  as they accomplish community standards.  Likewise, whenever and wherever African peoples collective interests are attacked or violated, from internally or externally, these warriors will be prepared to engage and deploy anywhere on the globe to defend African honor, heritage,  and our Vision of a New Africa.  Those of our youth who are now homeless, orphaned, jobless, alienated or otherwise neglected or abused will be given a new home within the New African Family. Their purpose now, will be to make a positive contribution to the building  of an African Rebirth/Renaissance,  and where we, as an African Community step back on the stage of history as a Free, Proud and Productive People.


Simba Wachanga was the name of the Youth League of Kenya which fought against the illegal occupation of their country by the British. Under the leadership of Pres. Jomo Kenyatta, the Simba were a valiant and valuable force in the Kenyan's peoples fight for Sovereignty, Self-determination and the end to British colonial rule. Like the youth of Soweto, the Simba were organized, disciplined and courageous, and remained true to the Principles of their Revolution. The Simba also have a history in the U.S. during the Black Power Era and maintained many of the characteristics of their namesakes. The Harambee Movement, seeks to use the model established by the Simba as a framework to build a unified Pan African Youth Corp for diasporans and continental youth, which gives each a framework to grow and develop to their fullest potential and possibilities as New African Men and Women. The Harambee Movement does not seek to control such a large movement, but rather, chooses to apply a Marcus Garvey model of organizing, which allows formations in each locality to operate independently, but can adopt the name and symbol of the Simba Wachanga Movement, as long as each group subscribes to basic program components and tenets described in the Harambee Format. In the Harambee scenario, the Simba Wachanga Youth Corp will serve as Global Based Rites of Passage Program, incorporating traditional beliefs and practices, modern organizing techniques, a common set of African based values and principles, common educational and training modalities, common goals and objectives, and most importantly, common vision and aspirations in building a New and Unified Global Africa (which includes Diaspora).

The following format is a first draft towards this end:
A. Ideology must be rooted in the basic Pan African Value Systems of Ma'at and the Nguzo Saba of Kwanzaa. These do not replace local values and traditions, but rather, are over arching and like an umbrella of other values, and are ones which unite us on a Pan African level. There will be certain basic points of knowledge each initiate should know, called:
 MAARIFU YA MSINGI  ( meaning Basic Knowledge)

1. The Three Ends of Culture – Identity, Purpose and Direction
2. Two Basis for Movement – Tradition and Reason
3. Two Forms of Analysis – Critique and Corrective
4. Seven Criteria for Culture – History, Spirituality/Religion, Political Org, Economic Org. Social Org., Creative Production and Ethos.
5. Kanuni – Rules and/or Protocols of Conduct to be determined and approved by Council of Elders

B. Goals - Our goal is to create a Unified Pan African Youth Movement grounded in African and Diasporan History, committed to Global African Sustainable Development, supporting global African industries and institutions building, trade and commerce, cultural Fests, building respect for African children, Women and Elders, fostering commitment and dedication to educational achievement in a variety of areas and releasing of the productive forces and apparatus of the Global African Community with full force and effect. We will direct our Youth into key industries such as Agriculture, Fashion and Design, Eco-Development, Mining, Sustainable Energy, Transportation, Business and Communication. The key industry which must receive priority are Agriculture and Food Security, where, as the Seed Lady of Watts, Anna Marie Carter, has taught us how we unite around the fork, as we make our Motto: "We only Eat what we Grow"! Thomas Sankara taught us, "A people who cannot feed itself, can never be free". Africa, with its rich soil, has the potential to become the Bread Basket of the world.

C. Objectives
 1) To mobilize, organize and educate our people about their health and well being, by eating NON GMO foods which are tested pure. We also teach them the value of global trade and eating only, food which we grow. Economically, the food industry is a $30 Trillion per day market, and revenues from it can fund many development projects.
2) To set up cultural centers in every town, city and hamlet, starting out in houses tea/coffee houses and book stores.
3) A standardized Harambee curriculum must be completed in order for each Simba to receive a certificate and Simba ID. Mentors may borrow from any curriculum choices for the programmatic emphasis and needs of each locale, though Harambee reserves the right to choose which qualify for a Simba certificate.
Preferably, a designated Council of Elders will oversee the certification process to ensure uniformity and consistency.


The Rites of Passage should address:
1. Developing a Multi-dimensional Personality
A. learning one of the arts - music, art, poetry, architecture, computer
B. learning African centered spirituality and values training - Maat, Ifa, Dogon, Zulu, Akhan, etc. 
C. Basic knowledge and understanding of Black History - Kemet, Songhay, Mali,Ghana  Reconstruction, Harlem Renaissance, Black Cultural Revolution, Black Arts Movement.
D. Learning 1 or more African Languages or that POD speak

[2.] Physical development
a. African Martial arts, Kemetic yoga, meditation,  capoeira, etc.
b. routine of running, walking, swimming, hiking, bicycling, etc. Where possible, these activities should be organized collectively, to be done routinely, even into adulthood.
c. Survival and Disaster training. Such training would include First Responder teams which could be dispatched from different part of the world to any place in the world they were needed.
d. Team sport can be a substitute in this area

[3.] Community Orientation
a. Senior escort service
b. youth corp training curriculum and means of implementation - Pan African Youth Corps; Community Alert Patrol for gangs and drugs.
c. participation in political campaigns and/or community organizing
d. Regularly scheduled field trips to museums, zoos, plays, park concerts, drives in the country, hiking, camping, bicycling, planetariums, Expos, Family reunion. Learning Environmental concerns and doing Community Farming
e. Volunteering for the Community Marketplace
f. Serving Apprenticeships in businesses, science labs, government or community planning, arts and all forms of creative/cultural production, priests (spiritual, not religious), construction, engineering, conservation, etc. 

[4.] Basic Education and Tutoring.
Science, Math, Language, writing skills proficiency
b. basic intro to African languages and encouragement to learn at least one extra language.
c. Science, Math, African centered Architecture, computer technology, coding.
d. Maatian governance. Matching Career choices with needs of the Community

[5.] Social Skills
a. relationship training and orientation with reinforcing rituals
b. sexuality from Afrocentric perspective
c. family skills and orientation
d. Communal principles of building community in contemporary society
e. Health - Learning how Food is our Medicine, and medicine is our food.

[6] Economic Values  Orientation
a. how to develop, follow and evaluate a personal budget
b. understanding the importance of a personal savings program
c. practicing collective economic investment and/or wealth-building
d. triangular development (Africa, Caribbean, Africa America and other Diasporan communities)
e. Cooperative Economics orientation
f. Understanding Micro and Macro Economic and Development Planning
g. Understanding the Role and Relevance of Global Trade in the context of us being a global people.

[7] Development of Work Habits and Ethics
a. how to plan, use and assess a personal schedule
b. learning to set and accept responsibility for personal priorities
c. practicing collective decision-making and/or organizing
d. Time Management e. Physical Work out Regimen

{8} Study Abroad.
Especially in Africa and the Caribbean
a. gaining understanding and appreciation for cultural tourism
b. General and basic knowledge of the contributions African people from different parts of the world have made toward human progress and world history.

(9) Spiritual Development
a. Maat, Yoruba, Zulu, Akhan, Dogon, etc.
b. wellness, massage, acupuncture, Reiki, meditation Some of the essential goals and objectives here, in my opinion, should be to establish some community standards and expectations for our youth and establish a system of reward and sanctions that reinforce these, and to institute a type of graduation ceremony with progressive African rituals.

Copyright@ Simbamaat Consultants 2009

3) For more advanced Simba, a rigorous training regimen must be completed, allowing these candidates to be eligible for Crisis Prevention, Security, Scouts, First Responders, Scholarships, Travel Abroad, Ambassadors, Translators, etc.

4) Learning the Warrior Dances, such as Zulu, Masai, for male and female, is mandatory for each Simba, as it is a symbol of our unified Power, and our capacity to contribute to Human Progress as we grow and develop as a people and global community. It is proposed that this module be coordinated by Harambee or a designated Council of Elders, in order to create National and Pan African Dance troupes which can become sustainable in support of Rites of Passage.

5) Simba can be called into National Service on behalf of any Governing entity serviced by Harambee, for such projects involving Agriculture, Infra-structure Development, Roads, Rail, Airports, Bridges, Technology, Science, Engineering, Security and/or Intelligence. In exchange Simba will be eligible to receive Higher  Education Credits, employment credits, Enhanced retirement benefit or for travel. Free Breakfast for Children and Health Clinics will be set up in needy communities. Field Trips to be organized for Orphaned Children needing mentors. Gardening Projects to be established in every community.

6) Simba will also be involved in developing Sports Programs, Science and Math Competitions, Language Labs, Chess Tournaments, Study abroad, Interpreters and Translators, Learning Skills Modalities for younger children, Dance Troupes, Griot Programs, Drumming Circles, Astronaut Training, Pilot Training, Navigation and Captain's training. These also can serve as sustainable activities.

7) Leadership Training – This training will prepare students for leadership in specific areas of concern and interest, such as Security and Intelligence, Science (STEM), Finance, Law and Governance, Health/Medicine, Spiritual, Industry and Trade, Economics, Culture/Creative Production, Ethics, Social Development. In this context, it is believed that it is better for leaders to be trained in a community environment, with community values, rather than the emergence of some charismatic leader who may, or may not have the full community interest in mind or heart.

An additional strategy and approach for organizing Pan African Youth is to use an approach which was used by African Liberation Movements, named Liberation Zones. We present the following modules for this Strategy.


Liberated Zones would have structures set up for Cadres in the following areas: 1. Education - Study groups, tutoring, community and rural schools 2. Health - utilize community healers, set up system of community health care education and delivery; promote food as medicine (better nutrition); food sovereignty and security; Agriculture programs as revenue generation. 3. Community Escort and Support Services - Train cadres to ensure safe passage for women and children through danger zones; provide delivery service for elders; Counseling for those with mental and drug issues. 4. Leadership Training - basic understanding of politics; organizing techniques; ideological and ethics training; learning diplomacy; making alliances; learning geo-politics. 5. Cultural Enrichment - learn how to use culture as a propaganda tool, via dance, song, drumming, storytelling, poetry, theater, film, sport, etc. 6. Spiritual Development - While respecting local traditions, Simba promotes Maat as our classical form of Spirituality and which unites us on a Pan African level. The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa can also be instructive in this regard. 7. Economic Development - Learn creative ways of marketing the Simba Wachanga brand, as quick ways of raising revenue, and connecting our regional organizations; We have learned from the Seed Lady how to create global trade platforms for African Agricultural products and to feed ourselves on the continent and diaspora Learn from our Uganda cadre about micro-financing and agriculture; Learn from our Kenya cadre about how to use technology as a revenue generating source. We must also address transportation needs in our communities, and how we can build revenue from various sources. Energy is another economic source we must exploit. We must also deal with how we gain control over our natural resources so that the people benefit, rather than foreign corporations.
8. Engineering and Planning - Community and Urban Planning must be done in the context of 50 and 100 year forecasts, and in coordination with Engineers who can conduct feasibility and implementation plans. Planning must not only consist of the structural plan, but also what will facilitate a community built around values and principles which contribute to community development.


In order to maintain the Cultural Significance and Historical Continuity of the Simba Wachanga they should be broken down into African Tribal groupings, e.g. Zulu, Watusi, Masai, Fulani, Bambara, Ashanti, Ndebele. Each member should have familiarity with their tribe and a cursory knowledge of the others in order to build pride in African history. There should be a core group of at least 7 Tribes which have the same names. These groups should be the top tier made up mostly of older youth and those younger who excel quick. Any tribal names can be used for the ones outside the 7 Basic Tribes. Those who graduate to one of the 7 tribes will get more intense training and subject to higher standards of dedication, discipline, sacrifice and achievement. For the youngest initiates, the entry level Tribe will be the Kobi, each of which will be assigned an older mentor.Within the Simba, there will also be interest group associations formed, called Chama for now (A Medu Neter Name will be selected later). At the very least the following are necessary: Kemet; Smai Tawi, Yoruba, STEM, Dogon, Malaika (for young ladies); Drum Circle; Kasisi (Warrior/Priests); Askari (soldier training); Usalama wa Nguvu (Security Force); Mwandishi (scribe or writers); Wasanii (Artists); Singing Chorus; Kilimo (farming); Construction; Business; and other areas as designated by Council of Elders and Queen Mothers. First Responder Team and Crisis Prevention teams should also be formed. Fihankra Simba Wachanga ID Cards will be issued, and upgraded as one progresses through the program.

While each local formation can operate autonomously, if it wishes to be designated Simba  it must conform to the basic Simba format. Any deviation must be approved by the Mzee or her designate. This, is in order to create Pan African community standards and not to impose an idle conformity.  Simba na Malaika Wachanga will hold an International Conference Bi-Annually, allowing for Regional Conferences to be held in off years. Thus, and in compliance with AU organizational mandates for the 6th Region, the Simba na Malaika Wachanga will be organized from the bottom up.
1) Block
2) Neighborhood
3) Town/City
4) Region
5) Country/Territory
6) Fihankra Region
7) Internationale
Each tribe will have a Sultani as Chief; Makamu, Asst. Chief; Kasisi as warrior/priest; and a Jeledi (whip or seargent); Each City, Region and Country with have its own Amiri (General), and each of these are accountable to an Amiri (General) directly accountable to Counsel of Elders.

Though any female can choose to go through the same rigor of training as males, for those wishing to engage additional training and skills designed only for females, a Malaika Wachanga will be formed also. The specific curriculi for this program will be designed by a Queen Mother and/or Warrior Queen organization and submitted to a full Council for Consensus. 

SHEREHE - Rites of Passage Celebration, Graduation, Ceremony, Initiation

The Sherehe is the culminating event for the Rites of Passage of young Pan African Youth. The youth must have gone through several necessary modules as outlined above and demonstrated competent and satisfactory completion of all necessary components as designated by his/her mentors. 
At age 14, the youth must have been prepared for graduation to advanced Simba/Malaika status and is ready to become a full participant in the decisions affecting their community/nation. 

1. The initiate must complete a collective project, which will consist of creative arts, such as a collective dance, song, poem, story, art, science project, community planning project, history project, language project or personal growth and development project. If a history project, it may focus on any period, personality, location in the African global community, or topic and/or event in global African history. It can also be a research project in any topical area. Additional ideas are to do a conservation project to plant trees, clear waterways of waste, plant community gardens, beautify communities with flowers, mentor orphans, etc.

2. The initiate must also complete a personal project in the form of a presentation, from 3 to 10 minutes long which must focus on some value, principle, virtue or ethic which is found in any of the spiritual traditions of African people, particularly, of Ma'at, Nguzo Saba (7 Principles of Kwanzaa), Yoruba, Dogon, Akan, Zulu, Mbongi and relate to how these systems contribute to Community Building.

3. This event is to end with a Karamu, a community celebration at which Shahada are presented to each initiate for completion of their required Simba curriculum and all in the community recognize the initiates for their achievements.


Especially, in this age of the internet, social networking and an ever expanding information sources, having an effective and efficient communications system is not only necessary, but mandatory. The Simba Wachanga Movement aspires to be the best in the world and will be/become a model for others elsewhere. In order to accomplish this task, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly deadlines will be established in pertinent areas of endeavor, such as Chama Groups, Regional Councils, and the Respective Leadership groups. Having translators and interpreters will be essential in this process. Each regional formation will develop the capacity for at least radio or radio blog capacity, and a written Newsletter to be distributed among their constituents, at least on a Quarterly basis. Essential Information to be Exchanged is:

A. Harambee/CAP News and Information

B. Regional and local Youth News, activities, seminars, Lectures, Conferences, Festivals, Awards, Training modalities, and Cultural Tourist locations.

C. Educational News – locations, curriculum, scholarships, Fellowships, Internships, Job needs and openings in various locales, Schools with the best curriculum to achieve Fihankra needs and aspirations.

D. Ideas and information which will make the Simba Wachanga a better and more responsive institution to the needs of our community (policy, programs and projects).

E. News and Information on each of the Chama Groups and associations and how to further develop their programmatic emphasis.

F. New Kanuni and Protocols

Formats and Platforms for Communication:

A. TV and Internet Streaming

B. Radio and Radio Blogging
C. Podcasts
D. Newletter in
E. Social Media Platforms – one of which will be a designated networking site only for the Global Simba Wachanga Movement.
F. Short Wave Radio – for Emergency and Disaster

A. Financial – Professional Consultants will be sought to advise on start up industries and businesses Simba can go into, in order to make this Movement entirely sustainable. In the mean time, caps, tee shirts, Simba attire, book marks, book covers, toy dolls, and a range of other marketable items can be used as revenue raising enterprises, and promoted thru the Media Formats.

B. Material – Flatbed trucks to go into communities to do live performances, e.g. skits, plays, spoken word, drum circles, dance, song; Equipment for Crisis and Disaster Control Dispatch and Prevention (PASS to be implemented); microphones, lighting, amplifiers, cameras, phones, tablets, books for libraries; gym equipment for training; computer games to be used for training exercises, Van and Car Pool, Computers, Food for Free Lunch Program, Health monitoring equipment for Clinics; Artists tools, Drums, Material for Zulu Warrior Dance Attire, TV and Radio for Culture Centers; Seeds for seed bank; Gardening materials.

C. Human and Organizational – The Harambee Movement, Congress of African People and Sons and Daughters of Africa Tour will hope to collaborate with any existing international, national, Regional and/or local organizations to serve as feeders. Such organizations need not give up their identity or autonomy, but our hope is that they will identify with the Harambee Movement's Simba Wachanga in some meaningful and significant way, such that we can capacity build, and become a real force for change in the Pan African and World Community. We hope to have support from such groups as UNIA, PADU, SDRC, WADU, CARICOM, AU, and Youth groups in each continental and diaspora community where Harambee and FAU preside.

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