This is a mobilization, not organizational effort, to engage the African American Elder Community in the Food Security Movement which is currently happening nationwide. This movement will not only bring wholesome food to our people, but also jobs, and associated industries to our communities. Elders can play a key role in this process, by identifying areas they can advance this movement, remain relevant to community building, and in many cases, find areas where there particular skills are required and needed. Below, we explain why this particular movement is chosen for you to mobilize in. As stated, we are not asking anyone to join an organization at this time, but only ask for you to engage in Food Security for your friends and families. For specific services listed below for Cuppedia Inc. you may write If you just wish to be on the mailing list for the National Black Council of Elders, write to Thank you. MK
RATIONALE - The importance and urgency of Food Security to the African American Community in particular, and African Community in general is of the highest priority since it affects each one of us on a daily basis. It is not hard to determine that our people have been subjected to bio-warfare, on many fronts for years. We can date back to the syphilis experiments, Aids, Ebola and the daily ingestion of pesticides, steroids, GMO's, and now Nanobots (micro robots which can be manipulated), according to Dr. Don Huber.
Due to these suppositions, the National Black Council of Elders has taken on the issues of Agriculture and Food Security as ones to mobilize and organize our peoples in support of the need for a National Council of Elders which can provide leadership and amass the collective resources in our communities to engage those who would dare bring us harm. While we educate our communities on these and other key issues, we also accept responsibility, as a matter of Self Determination, to define, defend and develop the collective interests of our people whenever, and wherever they are raised, challenged or threatened. Thus, Food Security/Sovereignty and Agriculture are primary issues which the National Africana/Black Council of Elders can and will provide immediate solutions and remedies in the interest of our people’s health and security. Towards this end, the Congress of African People mobilizes the Elders Community around the country to engage our entire Nation to support the Black Organics Movement began by our Elder, the Seed Lady of Watts.
This Movement provides a comprehensive community, national and global solution to our Food Security challenges. This solution will benefit our communities in a myriad of ways, for which we seek your support and promotion. Below, is a partial list of these ways:
1. The Seed Lady of Watts, Elder Anna Marie Carter, has a Seed Ministry, called Act Slow Ministry, based on the fact that over the last forty years she has saved over 1 billion organic heirloom seeds, has started over 32,000 home and community farms around the country, is a Master Chef. and was appointed by President Obama to be trained to engage in global trade. After serving as CEO of Reginald Lewis's, Organic Foods Division of Beatrice Foods for one year, she was selected to take over the entire company, and renamed it Cuppedia, which main focus is organic food, though she also inherited the many contracts he had with other Fortune 500 companies.
2. Nearly ten years ago, Ms. Carter was asked to serve as the Global Ambassador for Food Security of the Congress of African People. As Food Ambassador, she began to mobilize African and African American farmers in an effort to network them to engage in mutual trade and to promote the value of eating organic food rather than GMO. We also began to train youth in the inner cities, especially in Watts, California, and taught them how to handle organic foods for processing, handling and transport. We also trained youth coming out of Juvenile Detention and trained them for Re-entry Jobs in the community.
3. Based on our vision then, and our capacity building since, the Seed Lady is now well placed to take our community into global trade with over 20 million products. So that all understand the magnitude of what this means, the food industry is a $30 trillion a day industry. Cuppedia, now, is the only US organic food company engaged in International Trade. Moving strategically, the Congress of African People and Cuppedia along with our many associates are poised to advance the Seed Lady of Watts international branding and our various labels into all global markets, as the demand is high for US marketed organic foods, especially, California Style. Based on our ten years of networking, we now have farmers in Africa, Native Americans from Canada to Brazil, and of course African American farmers, all of which grow food California Style.
4. A unique quality of the Seed Lady's California Style is that all of the organic foods we market will be 100% tested pure, in most cases, 3 times before they reach the consumer. In the US, many "organic" food products are allowed to be sprayed with pesticides by the FDA.
5. Cuppedia now has over 20 million products to take to market, with the added highlight, that we provide Home Delivery and have contracted with Grub Market to get us started in this added service to our community. In those communities not serviced by Grub Market, we will provide our own service, thus creating jobs in many hamlets. For those wishing to sign up for home delivery, do so by writing to
6. The Congress of African People will also be opening opportunities for markets and restaurants to serve tested pure foods in your localities as franchises which can be had at very reasonable costs. This supports the CAP policy initiative to build industry and institutions as core elements of our African Rebirth/Renaissance Theme. All of the above initiatives in the congregate, will bring thousands of jobs to many of our communities, here, and in Africa, thus improving the quality of life for our people, based on our own intellect and support.
7. Another initiative we are asking our Elder community to support is our Crisis Management and Collective Concern programs for which the Cuppedia and CAP will be fill custom orders for kits in event of emergencies and/or natural disasters. For more info on this go to our Facebook page at:
This Movement provides a comprehensive community, national and global solution to our Food Security challenges. This solution will benefit our communities in a myriad of ways, for which we seek your support and promotion. Below, is a partial list of these ways:
1. The Seed Lady of Watts, Elder Anna Marie Carter, has a Seed Ministry, called Act Slow Ministry, based on the fact that over the last forty years she has saved over 1 billion organic heirloom seeds, has started over 32,000 home and community farms around the country, is a Master Chef. and was appointed by President Obama to be trained to engage in global trade. After serving as CEO of Reginald Lewis's, Organic Foods Division of Beatrice Foods for one year, she was selected to take over the entire company, and renamed it Cuppedia, which main focus is organic food, though she also inherited the many contracts he had with other Fortune 500 companies.
2. Nearly ten years ago, Ms. Carter was asked to serve as the Global Ambassador for Food Security of the Congress of African People. As Food Ambassador, she began to mobilize African and African American farmers in an effort to network them to engage in mutual trade and to promote the value of eating organic food rather than GMO. We also began to train youth in the inner cities, especially in Watts, California, and taught them how to handle organic foods for processing, handling and transport. We also trained youth coming out of Juvenile Detention and trained them for Re-entry Jobs in the community.
3. Based on our vision then, and our capacity building since, the Seed Lady is now well placed to take our community into global trade with over 20 million products. So that all understand the magnitude of what this means, the food industry is a $30 trillion a day industry. Cuppedia, now, is the only US organic food company engaged in International Trade. Moving strategically, the Congress of African People and Cuppedia along with our many associates are poised to advance the Seed Lady of Watts international branding and our various labels into all global markets, as the demand is high for US marketed organic foods, especially, California Style. Based on our ten years of networking, we now have farmers in Africa, Native Americans from Canada to Brazil, and of course African American farmers, all of which grow food California Style.
4. A unique quality of the Seed Lady's California Style is that all of the organic foods we market will be 100% tested pure, in most cases, 3 times before they reach the consumer. In the US, many "organic" food products are allowed to be sprayed with pesticides by the FDA.
5. Cuppedia now has over 20 million products to take to market, with the added highlight, that we provide Home Delivery and have contracted with Grub Market to get us started in this added service to our community. In those communities not serviced by Grub Market, we will provide our own service, thus creating jobs in many hamlets. For those wishing to sign up for home delivery, do so by writing to
6. The Congress of African People will also be opening opportunities for markets and restaurants to serve tested pure foods in your localities as franchises which can be had at very reasonable costs. This supports the CAP policy initiative to build industry and institutions as core elements of our African Rebirth/Renaissance Theme. All of the above initiatives in the congregate, will bring thousands of jobs to many of our communities, here, and in Africa, thus improving the quality of life for our people, based on our own intellect and support.
7. Another initiative we are asking our Elder community to support is our Crisis Management and Collective Concern programs for which the Cuppedia and CAP will be fill custom orders for kits in event of emergencies and/or natural disasters. For more info on this go to our Facebook page at:
The Congress of African People (CAP) views Food Security and Agricultural Development as top priorities facing the Pan African Community. Let's explore a few reasons why:
1. Much of African Culture is based on an Agrarian Foundation. Lest we forget that our fore parents brought to the West were brought for our farming skills. Many of our parents were either born or raised on farms in the South.
2. Much of the land which African Americans owned was/is farm land, though much has been lost, and we must work to regain those losses. Therefore, we have an historical and spiritual relationship to the land base, as do Native Americans.
3. 85% of the Worlds Food supply is owned by 5 or less multi-national companies, these companies promote and lobby for the distribution of genetically modified foods (GMO), much of which can be connected to disease processes in our bodies. Thru these companies criminal and inhumane practices, they seek to dominate the food market by making seeds which only last one time, and making toxic fertilizers, which kill off the soil base.
4. These disease processes compromises our health and causes our people to become victims of a system which serves people bad food (GMO), causing them
to enter the health care system early, and then further victimized by a health care
system which addicts us to pharmaceudicals rather than farmaceudicals.
5. We at CAP adopt our Ancestor, Imhotep's admonition and policy, that we must make "Food our Medicine, and Medicine our Food". Farm/Garden grown foods and herbs are nature's way of providing the proper nutritional balance and healing for our Body Temples. This premise must also be reflected in our new and holistic approaches to health and wellness, as well as in our newly formulated health delivery systems.
6. The growing and preparation of food has always been a spiritually based practice in our community, and when we are disassociated from them, our spiritual balance and center is thrown into disharmony, and we become alienated from a key aspect of our Spiritual Culture. Western culture breeds such alienation, and organic food becomes a way of reconnecting to our Body Temples.
7. While Africa is known mostly for its mineral wealth, it also has one of the richest soil bases in the world, and most every food product can be grown there. Thus, gaining control of our Food Production is a key element of economic empowerment and development
1. Recognition of Africa as the Food Basket of the World
A. Africa has this distinction because of its excellent climate, soil, and environmental conditions. Therefore, agricultural policy must not succumb to the need for industrialization. On the contrary, the emphasis should be on the greening of industry, such that we reduce the effects of pollution of land, air, and water resources.
B. The nutritional and medicinal value of African plants and vegetation should be thoroughly researched and exploited. Following such research, market analysis should be done to explore the best ways and methods of bringing products to market.
C. Of major import is the spiritual, relationship and connection African people have enjoyed historically to the land of our ancestors. It was the rationale for bringing our people to the "West". This valued relationship must remain paramount in any and all policy and planning considerations. The spiritual dimensions of this relationship must also be embodied in our cultural and creative production.
2. The Primacy of the Relationship between Agricultural Production, Food Sovereignty and Food Security.
A. African land must reside in the hands and control of African people and due consideration given to being administered by Tribal groupings with general guidelines. Birth on the African continent is not a criteria for being African, rather, having historical, cultural and spiritual ties to the land, people and culture. With Tribal groups having administrative control ensure to some degree, the maintenance of valuable cultural traditions and practices since many grew out of Agrarian society.
B. No aliens should be allowed to own African land. Short term leasing should be the only options for aliens as long as they conform to African standards and protocols for land use.
C. Food Companies engaging in GMO's should be banned from all African and Caribbean soil and must be considered enemy combatants. Such companies seek domination and control of food production and undermine sovereignty, health, security rights and responsibilities.
D. We must seek to own our own Food companies which value our health and sovereignty rights. Therefore we must control all vertical and horizontal processes,
such as processing, fertilizers, distribution and retail.
such as processing, fertilizers, distribution and retail.
3. African and Pan African Policy Makers and Planners must adopt the value and admonition that "Food is our Medicine, and Medicine is our Food".
A. First and foremost, this policy is people centered rather than profit motivated. Western medicine, despite its ethical declarations, is driven by large
profits to be made in the GMO, hospital and pharmaceudical industries.
B. African values and ethics dictate that emphasis should be better spent on prevention vs. the curative aspect of medicine. Based on the Maatian principles of balance and harmony, Integrative approaches to medicine and health are encouraged.
4. Balance should be sought with crops for import/export and those to be used for local consumption.
A. Companies allowed land use, under lease, for export crops such as cocoa, should not only pay fair wages, but also be contracted to grow crops for local consumption at fair prices.
B. Market analysis should first start based on local needs, then, regional, national, Pan African and then World. African proverb says, "Collect sand where you are standing, not running down the beach."
C. A division of labor in the food production industries should reflect the needs of import, export, local consumption, labor technology needs, transportation, distribution; soil fertilizers, climate and environment.
D. Where possible, food and Agricultural Coops should be instituted to encourage more efficient use of land, planting strategies, and harvesting techniques.
5. Education of the medicinal and health qualities and nature of food should be given highest priority in Pan African Communities.
A. Emphasis should be put on the health needs and well being of people above profits. Knowledge of Farmacology must be incorporated into Rites of Passage.
B. Food Production and Sovereignty are among the highest value considerations since food comes from the earth to nourish our Body Temples. Food is a connecting factor between the divine, nature and the human spirit, and therefore, its production cannot reside in the control of aliens. This Sacred relationship must be embodied within the cultural and spiritual fabric of our Pan African Community. and no alien will ever have the right to abridge or interfere with this relationship. Anyone seeking to break this bond will and should face the full, force and effect of our community, ancestors, and African Gods.
6. Forming Guerilla Gardens and Seed Banks are Critical to Food Sovereignty
A. Guerilla gardens are necessary to guard against sabotage and/or legal manipulation by Monsanto type companies and interests. Their main purpose is to grow organic seeds for saving in Seed Banks.
B. Farmers and Community gardeners must save organic seeds in order to ensure communities maintain free and unimpaired access to Non GMO foods. Corporate interests seek to dominate the food industry. Seed banks are a key factor against wanton domination and interference in the community's spiritual relationship with its food sources.
7. Unite and join the Global Movement against deforestation and pollution of water sources.
A. Hemp, Bamboo and other natural products can be used to make most products that wood and petroleum are used for. Some research cites as many as 300 products at a minimum.
B. Many of the worlds’ forested regions continue to house medicinal and nutritional food sources. As Stewards of the land and planet, it's our duty and responsibility to protect these regions and resources from human predators.
C. Likewise we must also protect our oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams and waterways from pollution, as they are also sources of untold and unlimited nutrients for our Body Temples, therefore giving them Sacred value and worth. The collection of rain water is also a protected practice with proper regulation.
8. Pan African Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, and Health Institutions and Movements should reflect policies, programs and practices which promote the maximum progressive and collective interests of African people.
A. As a global community we must have policies and practices which clearly draw the role and relationship of agriculture, food sovereignty and health to each other. Each industry and system share an inter-dependency which should first, be expressed in policy formulation.
B . A clear and concise definition of what we mean by food sovereignty is needed here. Food Sovereignty means, that African people, wherever we are, have the right and responsibility to control our food production, and that this right cannot be abridged by any alien force or power. As an African people, we reserve the right of Self Determination to assert our spiritual connectedness to the agricultural products we consume into our Body Temples. No alien can define this relationship for us, as this is a Sacred domain.
C. Thus, we urge the NBCOE to call for formation of Pan African mobilization efforts, institutes, research facilities, alliances, regulatory entities, farmers, unions, Coops, Integrative Medical Schools, and clinics, physician assistants and nursing schools, trade/commerce, and export/import entities, all of which subscribe to the above policies and practices in the Spirit of Maat, our unifying Spirituality and foundational principles.
D. Though Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, and Health are independent industries, in the Pan African context, they form and inter-related whole. They, each, and together, contribute in significant ways to a system of Wellness, Prevention and Care which is grounded in African history, culture, and science. In our pursuit of a health and agricultural policy platform, it remains important to maintain cultural and historical continuity.
Food Sovereignty is the key link which allows us to do this. Herbs and food have traditionally been used for health purposes. In many African tribal groups, harvest festivals were and are a significant event of cultural and spiritual nature. The Pan African holiday of Kwanzaa is based on such a harvest celebration. We, as a global community, must formulate other relevant institutional structures which re-enforce these cultural and spiritual traditions. Our challenge today, is to ground our scientific advancement in these key areas, with the knowledge and wisdom of our Ancestors. Ase' MK 71414
MISSION - To engage, aid and assist in the building of a National Movement and Network, through the establishment of a National Council of Elders (NBCOE). The NBCOE’s role and function will be the formulation of a National Agenda, provision of spiritual guidance, designing of policy, priorities and the development of programs, services and various projects which will contribute to the growth, self-governance and economic empowerment of the African American Communities nation-wide.
Founder - Mwalimu Wesley Kabaila
Purpose – The purpose of the NBCOE is to build Council of Elders in localities wherever blacks inhabit in this country, around foundational Principles of Unity and Principles of Cooperation. These principles will provide an over-arching and unifying ideology for the collective mission of building a National Community and unifying with our Global Family in Africa, and her Diaspora.
The formation of a National Black Council of Elders necessary, and will serve as the hub of a National Rites of Passage structure and institution, for the following reasons:
1. The National Black Community has lacked a certified leadership cadre which, sprang up from its own making, and which represented all sectors of our National Community. The dominant society has usually created our "leaders" through control and manipulation of the media, thus to shaping public opinion. Because of our relationship with the African Scientific Institute, we now have the capacity to establish our own secure communications networks. The NBCOE is a policy making, program, formulating and project initiating institution which, bases its mandate on proven African values, principles, views, vision and aspirations. Study of the Mbongi political system and philosophy of the Bantu people is very instructive in this regard. (
2. In the African American context, our social reality dictates that our approach to the formation of a National Council of Elders, takes on the character of a United Front Structure, in order to have each sector of our National Community represented in all of its diversity. We shall define, below, what a United Front is for our purposes. Thus, it is diverse, representative of all sectors, and is multi-dimensional and founded on a system which requires adherence to a system of African values, as opposed to European laws, which can always be manipulated by the ruling/race class.
3. There are several philosophical and theoretical foundations and basis for the National Council of Elders as a United Front Institution:
A. The virtues of Ma’at will provide the Spiritual and Unifying value basis, without interfering with anyone's existing belief system. Rev. Dr. Nikita Imani who, wrote the seminal book on Mbongi, makes this point very clear. He is a highly respected Christian minister, but elaborates extensively on how Ma'at is a unifying ideology for all African descendant peoples. He further posits, how African values, ethics and morals serve as the foundation for African social constructs. Hence, discarding abstract system of laws, many of which contradict each other. He states that Truth, Justice, Harmony, Balance, Order, Reciprocity and Propriety were the social glue which held Kemetic Society together for over 5000 yrs.
B. Operational Unity will be the second theoretical underpinning for NCOE as a United Front Structure. Operation Unity is based on the concept and practice, that we all come together to focus on common goals, objectives, plans, aspirations and mission. The purpose for coming together is not for any one person or organization to push their own agenda nor ideology. This kind of behavior would be cause for sanctions), or more. Operational Unity dictates that we pro-actively, pursue and promote our collective positive Agenda of Nation Building plans, policy and programs and that we reserve any differences for another forum, time and place.
C. “The Battlefront is everywhere” is, the strategic and tactical lesson which we learn from the African Revolutionary, Amilcar Cabral. This precept is based on the notion that, our interests are everywhere, and that we must have them protected and promoted in every sector of society. Although, the NCOE is not defined as a protest or electoral politics organization, it can and will direct how these and other movements can assist in the achievement of our collective goals and mission. In this regard, it would act as a control, command and coordination center, where information flows in, is analyzed, and then, forwards disseminated information, commands and/or directives which serve our strategic mission.
D. Everyone has their Role and Function in Nation Building, even agents. None should be summarily dismissed for past bad acts, though they can be isolated until such time as they may serve some useful purpose. Agents can be given bad info to take back. Sun Tzu, in his book, "The Art of War", talks at length on these kinds of tactics. It is Key, though, that we realize that we are at War, as our people are not just being killed on the streets and in police stations, but through our food (please see NBCOE agriculture and food campaign, appendix G), air and water; which are being purposely contaminated and poisoned. In addition, our economic sustenance is being cut off, our men are being imprisoned, resulting in the breakup of up our family units. Our values are undermined and our visionaries are being suppressed by mass media.
E. Three Areas Necessary for Nation Building:
E. Three Areas Necessary for Nation Building:
1. Ideology - Our view of Nation Building must be unique and cannot be based on the Western model of rule of law. We maintain that our system of governance must and should be based on the institution of Spiritual Values (Ma'at and Nguzo Saba in my view) as the foundation for Social Order and Cohesion.
2. Industry - While reparations is a valid battlefront, it shouldn't and cannot be our main basis for Economic Empowerment and/or Development. As Garvey said, we must produce and control the production of everything we need on a daily basis. Food being the first. If we still want to pursue a reparations agenda, we should ask/demand that all countries involved order all of their imported foods with Purchase Orders through the Congress of African Peoples platform. The food industry is a $30T per day industry, and if we join with African and Indigenous Farmers we can begin to claim a large market share as we enter into global trade. Other industries are key and vital to Nation Building, i.e. Communications, transportation, construction, manufacturing, Fashion, Design, Textiles, Finance, Mining, Banking, Planning, Architecture, Water Management, Energy, Ecology and Conservation, Technology development, Cultural/Creative Production, etc.
3. Institutions - Building Institutions which house our aspirations and promote our collective interests are right on. Such institutions must reflect our cultural heritage as well as allow us to advance our interests forward. I think we need to start off with block clubs and Town Halls with each locality having a Council of Elders who form a governing or administrative body. A National Council of Elders should serve as a National Governing body, and I have a proposed structure for that. The Council of Elders must build out several national, diaspora and global (Pan African) structures, namely, a National Assembly which organizes each sector of our community, a National Congress of African and Indigenous Peoples which formulates and implements policy, programs and projects and develops a 50 - 100 yr. social, political and economic agenda. The Council, Assembly and Congress must work with other diaspora formations to build a Diaspora Commonwealth which can serves as a governing body for the Diaspora which protects, preserves, provides and promotes the interests of all Diasporans, esp. Haiti, West Papua and the Congo. We must also raise up a Pan African Simba Wachanga (Young Lions) Youth Cadres, which can serve as apprentices, defenders, first responders in emergencies and organizers. All of these should feed into the African Union to make it a more viable International body, or we start another of our own making.
- Ideology - Principles, Goals, Objectives
- Organization - Structure, Function and Roles
- Communications
- Resources - Financial, Material, Skilled Personnel
- Ideology - In this context, ideology must be broad, general, over-arching in order to unify all sectors of the community. Based on Mbongi principles, they should also, have foundation in African philosophy as paradigm.
1. Unity - Operational Unity, or organizing around our common goals, objectives and aspirations. Agreeing to disagree on those matters we may differ on, but moving forward promoting a positive Agenda which brings our people together towards a common end.
A. Levels of Unity, including self, family, community, neighborhoods, national Black community, diaspora, global African peoples, and w.
2. Self Determination - The right and responsibility to exercise our sovereign right to determine our own identity and destiny as a people and national community, especially where our rights are continuously violated and disrespected by the dominant society.
3. Collective Work and Responsibility - The recognition that Nation Building is a shared activity and endeavor, even a duty, as a member of the African Community. This duty requires a commitment to the Rescue, Restoration, Reconstruction of African values, institutions, monuments and most importantly, the African Personality which Franz Fanon refers to.
4. Cooperative Economics - This principle is grounded in the African concept of communitarian values, which determines that wealth is shared for the betterment and enrichment of the entire community, and not for a small elite.
5. Purpose - Our purpose is the vocation of building a National and Global Community which not only houses our collective aspirations, but allows for us develop and defend our interests as we define them, as a self-determined people.
6. Creativity - This principle has social and sacred meaning, as it refers to the quality of the community we seek to build, which is many African societies, meant "To Bring Good to the World". Thus, it is our task to leave the world more beautiful and beneficial that what we inherited.
7. Faith - Faith inspires, uplifts, elevates and sustains us as we engage in the process of restoration and reconstruction of our values, culture, institutions, lives and the paradigms which our Ancestors laid down for us to follow. It is grounded in the belief that we struggle for a more perfect and righteous world, and that within this endeavor, we, at the same time, create a New African Man and Woman. This principle also requires that we study and re-visit the faith traditions of our Ancestors, in order to appreciate and understand their value and meaning and use them as guides for building our future and community. The tradition of Ma'at, as a spiritual system lasted longer than any other philosophical or faith tradition, having held Kemetic society together for over 5000 years. This system certainly has value as a unifying ideology for African people on a global level, and is worthy of such exploration.
1. Mutual respect for the autonomy of each organization and entity to enter into this formation.
2. Respect for agreed upon rules of order and decorum when engaging in common action, in meetings, conference calls, and personal interactions.
3. Respect for the diverse value orientations and interests of persons and organizations, even as we engage in the process of merging our values and interests into a mutually agreed upon set, which moves our agenda, goals and objectives forward in a positive manner, in order to achieve intended results.
4. Commitment to engage in the sharing of resources, skills and talents which allow us to coordinate, cooperate and benefit from the unity we build and establish.
5. Sharing in the responsibility to be productive in the interest of our larger community, and to work in tandem with other generations, that we may learn from each other, in love and struggle.
6. Whatever ideology brought you to the table, leave it at the door, for our common goal is to formulate and design a Common Mission, and that mission should be our focus when we sit at the Round Table. Allow your ideology to keep you inspired when you go back to your respective organizations, but in a United Front, let our common goals guide our actions, strategies and deliberations, as we are ONE.
7. All potential for conflicts to arise, must be addressed as soon as they arise, and escalation cannot be tolerated in the interest of Community Harmony. Where any conflicts may arise between or among groups, factions, communities, entities or persons, each must submit their grievance(s) to a Conflict Resolution Board within the Council of Elders who will convene to either mediate or arbitrate such grievance in accord with the values of the African Community. African social order is not based on a system of laws, but founded on a set of Sacred Values and Principles which establish Social Harmony. When such Harmony is thrown out of Balance, Order is Re-established, and Justice served, by arriving at a Balanced Judgement based on Truth, Propriety and Reciprocity until Harmony is brought back into Balance. This is the way of our Ancestors.
Proposed Organizational Structure - NBCOE
High Council-NBCOE
The High Council - functions as Board of Directors for the NBCOE. The High Council shall be responsible to oversee implementation of policies and program in accord with Maatian and Nguzo Saba Principles. They also have ultimate authority in resolving disputes and are the last resort of appeal in cases needing arbitration. The NBCOE and High Council are the nucleus for the building of a Rites of Passage Program, which integrates all sectors of our community from cradle to Elder, and beyond.
The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the everyday running of the NBCOE on an administrative level. It will coordinate meetings, set agendas, receive calls, keep files and documents, coordinates programs, develop resources and a data base, serve as a national command center in times of National Crisis, coordinate between ministries, maintain the website and mailing lists, establish communication links between chapters and community organizations, establish a reference and resource committee, build a Speakers Bureau and establish rules and protocols which insure professionalism in all conduct emanating from the NBCOE.
Presiding Or Chief Elder - One Female and One Male
Nomination for Presiding/Chief Elders of the NBCOE, shall be made on a yearly basis In addition, the election of the Presiding/Chief Elders shall also take place at a designated meeting during the year, preferably at the beginning. The NBCOE members with a simple majority is elected to office. He and she shall remain in office for 2 year terms, while the High Council shall exercise the Right of Revue on an Annual basis. The power residing in the Chief Elders is based on proper application of Values and Principles not personal inclinations.
Nomination for Presiding/Chief Elders of the NBCOE, shall be made on a yearly basis In addition, the election of the Presiding/Chief Elders shall also take place at a designated meeting during the year, preferably at the beginning. The NBCOE members with a simple majority is elected to office. He and she shall remain in office for 2 year terms, while the High Council shall exercise the Right of Revue on an Annual basis. The power residing in the Chief Elders is based on proper application of Values and Principles not personal inclinations.
Generally from 60 years and up, but for this, one time only, in our initial period of formation, those age 55-59, will be allowed to sit on the NBCOE. This is being done to allow those who may have needed skills and/or ties to the community, to contribute to the startup.
1. The Council of Elders shall be made up of Women and Men who, have proven long term commitment and capacity to preserve, promote and protect the interests of African people. In addition they must possess the proven ability to maintain integrity, intellect and involvement in the affairs of the Black/African Community. These elders must be able to establish a degree of stature and respect in the community, in order to build and maintain Unity, Harmony, Balance, Justice and Order in our Local and National Communities.
2. The first and foremost priority for a Council of Elders is to be Caretakers, Gatekeepers and Stewards of African culture in all of its many and diverse manifestations, (i.e. its values, principles, progressive rituals, traditions, history, paradigms, cosmologies, worldview, languages, indigenous industries, dances, songs, cuisines, political, social and economic theories and practices, and most of all the integrity and control of our African Land Base, Mother Africa). In these areas, the NBCOE must be uncompromising, determined and vigilant.
3. The Council of Elders will provide Leadership and Governance of Black/African American Communities. One of its key roles and responsibilities will be to design, manage and institute policies, programs and projects which will build and advance the best interests of our people and communities. Key areas include, but not limited to, Health and Wellness, Housing, Education, Youth, Women, Defense, the Elderly and Disabled. Another key area is Industry Growth and Development to insure Economic Development and Job Security. In this capacity the NCOE must also develop the resources to build the Institutional Capacity and Structures which will ensure Economic Empowerment and Cultural Growth.
4. The Council of Elders shall create, facilitate, and provide guidance and direction for Institution Building with special focus on Key Growth Industries. These include, but not limited to, African centered Education, Redefined Health Care Delivery System which emphasizes Holistic Approaches, Agricultural Programs which, prioritize Food as Medicine and Medicine as Food, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), Sustainable Energy, Waste and Water Management, Trade and Commerce, Manufacturing, Cultural Travel and Tourism, Community Security and Defense, Creative and Cultural Production (Dance, Music, Theater, Drum, Performing Arts, Literature, Sport, Technology, Fine Art).
5., Elders will mandate Ministries to carry out certain policies, or to do research in order to formulate policy, programs and projects which advance the interests of our communities, thus allowing the Council to fulfill its role and function as a governing entity in our National, Regional and Local communities; As Dr. Maaskelah Khemet outlines in her book, "Calling the Elders”. Please refer to Dr. Khemet's book as it provides a workable model and paradigm for the work required of the
6. Elders will be responsible for establishing policy for forming alliances and coalitions with groups outside of our community ,in furtherance of our community's collective goals and objectives, as well as our short and long term interests, as the Council defines them.
7. Elders as a governing body, is mandated to represent the collective interests of African descendants in the US, encourage and support the building of NBCOE's in other countries where African descendants inhabit, and build communications and networking structure with these entities. The NCOE is also mandated to represent the collective will and, aspirations of African descendants in international bodies such as the UN and African Union. This being an act of Self Determination, and allying with groups like CARICOM, which represents African Descendants in the Caribbean Region. As a governing body, thence, can also initiate and mandate the formation of a Diasporan Commonwealth, in association with other Diaspora peoples, which will represent the interests of the Diaspora as a whole, and not just disparate groups. The NCOE can also mandate a Commission(s) which, will present the best options to revive the Fihankra Tribe established in 1994. Of which, all African descendants of the slave trade have a right to belong to, given all such diasporans and organic relationship with our Motherland, with land set aside for those wishing to repatriate.
8. Elders will establish guidelines, policy, procedures and protocols for the resolution of community conflicts and seek agreement, at local and national levels. The NBCOE will serve as an Appeals Court and Supreme Court, for any behaviors personal and/or organizational, which cause community disharmony. As the NBCOE are the Stewarts of Community Values as embodied in the Nguzo Saba and Ma'at, it shall also have the power of being the final arbiter or mediator in such disputes.
9. Elders will provide a context and the structural capacity for African Americans to step on the World Stage as a Free, Proud and Productive people. We, as a people, and a National Community have a unique historical contribution to make to Global African Liberation, Human Freedom, and Human Progress, especially since the system of domination, sought to dehumanize us, and remove us from humanity. Our organizational efforts will not only bring our people closer to liberation. It will also bring the whole of humanity closer to full and final Human Liberation, such that all of our children can walk in a warmer Sun, truly for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Associate Elders
Ages 50-59 yrs. Associate Elders are those in an apprenticeship and training for one of the most distinguished positions to be held in the Black Community and will be held to maintain the standards of all the above defined elements.
The structure of the National Black Council of Elders is consistent with that of a Rites of Passage in that it allows for the involvement of every age group and Rites category, from birth, through watoto, Simba Wachanga, Nation Builder, Scribe, Emissary, Associate Elder, Elder, and eventually Ancestor. Each category has a Role and Function in the Nation Building process, which also becomes a therapeutic model for those who suffer from racist depression, drug addiction, family abuse, and varying forms of mental illness.
Emissaries in the context of NBCOE play an important, key and critical role, primarily as liaisons between the Elders and the work done in the various Ministries/Commissions, listed below. They are the links which transmit information, policy, programs, project design, resources, protocols and procedures between the Elders group, which has final rights of debate and consent. Once policies and programs are approved by the Elders, the Ministries/Commissions have the task of implementing, analysis, research, and submission of policy amendments.. Emissaries are usually professionals,experts or very knowledgeable in their respective fields and bring wide experience, proven proficiency and high levels of commitment in the areas they are asked to serve in.
Scribes serve as assistants to Elders, and can be from any age group and are those who can provide consult on any range of issues. They will serve as assistants, aids, secretaries, archivists, historians, advisors, record keepers, linguists and interpreters.
Nation Builders
Ages 25 - 49 are prepared to do most of the work for the NBCOE through their engagement with the various ministries. Many and most of their duties will revolve around implementation of policies and programs which emanate from the Elders and Emissaries, but also will include their own creativity, innovativeness, adaptability, intellect and genius.
Simba Wachanga
Ages 18 - 25 yrs. Simbas serves as warriors and apprentices for Nation Building. This age group can either contribute to National Service in any area of the Ministries they may be needed to work in, or which stimulate their interest. They may choose to go to college or training programs for more intense study in areas needed for national development and community building. They can also be trained as community organizers, as every sector of our national community must be organized and prepared to engage in nation building.
Ages 3 – 17. Wanafunzi are students and are engaged in a Rites of Passage program from the earliest possible time. They must begin to learn at least 3 languages, one of which must be African, learn social relations and etiquette according to Ma'at, be identified for their unique interests and skill levels, be part of a Pan African exchange program where they learn and interact with Diaspora and continental youth. A suggested curriculum might include the ones listed below.
A Suggested Curriculum for Rites of Passage
1. Developing a Multi-dimensional Personality
A. learning of the arts - music, art, poetry, architecture, computer arts and other skills.
B. learning African centered spirituality and values training, embracing Maat, Ifa, Dogon, Zulu, Akhan, etc.
C. Mastering basic knowledge and understanding of Black History - Kemet, Songhay, Mali, Ghana Reconstruction, Harlem Renaissance, and Black Cultural Revolution.
D. Completing a personal Sankofa Journey to an African Nation, to reconnect with one’s African Identity, which leads to purpose and direction.
2. Physical development
A. Learning African Martial arts, Kemetic yoga, meditation, capoeira, etc.
B. Establishing a routine of running, walking, swimming, hiking, bicycling, etc.
C. Participating in youth Corp training curriculum and learn means of implementation - Pan African Youth Corps; Community Alert Patrol for gangs and drugs.
D. participating in political campaigns and/or community organizing; organizing to get all out to vote in the interest of entire community
E. Participating in regularly scheduled field trips to museums, zoos, plays, park concerts, drives in the country, hiking, camping, bicycling, planetariums, Expos, Family reunions. Learning Environmental concerns and doing Community Farming, Home Gardening.
F. Volunteering for the Community Marketplace
3. Participating in education and tutoring.
A. subjects may include, Science, Math, Language, writing skills and proficiency.
B. Learning basic intro to African languages and encouragement to learn at least one extra language.
C. Participating in African centered Architecture, computer technology.
D. Understanding Maatian governance. Matching Career choices with needs of the Community
4. Learning African philosophical systems and paradigms.
- Mbongi
- Virtues of Ma’at
- 42 Declarations of Innocence
- Dogon
- Yoruba
- Ashanti, Masai
- Zulu, Ndebele, Xhosa
5. Learning beneficial social Skills.
A. Relationship training and orientation with reinforcing rituals.
B. Understanding sexuality from Afrocentric perspective. including family skills and orientation, Communal principles of building community in contemporary society. Health by learning how Food is our Medicine.
6. Understanding economic values orientation
A. Developing, follow and evaluate a personal budget
B. Understanding the importance of a personal savings.
Practicing collective economic investment and/or wealth-building.
C. Understanding triangular development (Africa, Caribbean, Africa America and other Diasporan communities).
D. learning Cooperative Economics (Ujamaa) orientation
E. Understanding Micro and Macro Economic and Development Planning
7. Developing sound of work habits and ethics.
A. Planning, use and assess a personal schedule.
B. learning to set and accept responsibility for personal priorities.
Practicing collective decision-making and/or organizing.
C. Utilizing time Management skills.
8. Studying Abroad, especially in Africa or the Caribbean. Exchange programs to be set up with African countries and diaspora.
9. Participating in spiritual development in one or more of the following:
A. Maat, Yoruba, Zulu, Akhan, Dogon, Gullah, etc.
10. Learning the benefits of wellness, massage, acupuncture, Reiki and meditation. Some of the essential goals and objectives here, is to establish some community standards and expectations for our youth and establish a system of reward and sanctions that reinforce these, and to institute a type of graduation ceremony with progressive African rituals.
Copyright@ Simbamaat Consultants 2009
Birth - 2 years of age.
Formation of NBCOE Ministries
- The NBCOE may establish Ministries to assist in research, analysis, problem identification, proposed solutions, solution implementation, completing of goals and, other tasks as deemed appropriate by the NBCOE.
- The NBCOE must also establish Ministries which, specifically engages other diaspora countries, in the building of a Diaspora Commonwealth which, will have governing authority over the entire Diaspora.
- A Ministry must be established, whose sole purpose is to establish and implement a National Rites of Passage Program which embraces Community Standards created by NBCOE, and which are participating and assist in transitioning from one stage of life to another in a harmonious and orderly way, with Community Support.
- The Education Ministry and High Council are the nucleus for the building of a Rites of Passage Program, from cradle to Elder, and beyond, but should also seek input from other Ministries or create a multi ministry task force.
- The list of permanent Ministries are below:
1. Education - Rites of Passage; Policy Formulation; Distance and Virtual Learning; Preparing
for Future Industries; Animation as teaching modality, Youth development
2. Governance - Application of Values and Principles as basis for Governance; Application of
Mbongi; Application of Consensus in arriving at decisions
3. STEM - Practical applications of STEM; Research priorities; newest n innovative techniques
for short n long term development.
4. Finance - Building Independent and Sovereign Banking and Fiduciary Institutions;
Development Trust; Currency Development
5. Agriculture, Food Sovereignty/Security - Organizing Farming Unions Globally; Developing
Agriculture and Food Policy; Promoting Food as Medicine; Introducing State of the Art
Farming techniques.
6. Health - New and advanced systems of Health Care Delivery; Insurance covering Holistic
modalities; Expansive use of Integrative medicine
7. Information and Intelligence - Data base; Vetting; Directs the collection n analysis of
information relating to security, defense and foreign affairs
8. Security, Defense and Crisis Management - Simba Youth Corps; Taifa (National) Youth
Corps (one year service = free college or trade school) Training of First Responder teams;
Physical and Tactical Training
9. Creative Production and Cultural Development - Media, Music, Fine Art, Dance, Poetry,
Storytelling & Griots, Film, Performing Arts. Theater, Sport, Technology, Comedy, Fashion,
Martial Arts
10. Communications - Live streaming; Phone Networks; Ham Radio network; Public and
Community Relations; Pan African communication networks between Emissary and among
all sectors; Independent Pan African News Networks with Sovereign rights n scope.
11. Trade and Commerce - Industry Growth, Manufacturing, Pan African Trade routes
12. Transportation - Infra-structure development, Bridges, Roads, Rail, Air, Water Ways
13. Planning and Economic Development - Housing, Parks, Environment, Ecology; Urban &
Rural Development; Ways n Means Division, which recommends allocation of resources
and formulation of budgets
14. Women's Forum - Definition of Women’s' Role, Queen Mother Program; Full integration
into every aspect of Nation Building; Treatment of Abuse, Rape; Divine Feminine Rites
of Passage.
15. Diaspora and Continental African Affairs - AU; Fihankra Tribe; Acquisition and
Management of land for Repatriation as offered by African countries.
The task of this ministry in to establish policy, programs, protocols, procedures and
Projects which build and enhance better relations between our respective peoples, and how
we can build more collaborative enterprises which merge us as one African People.
16. Organizations and Alliances - Unions, Professional and Trade Organizations, Social Orgs.;
Block clubs
17. Ambassador Corps - Advancing interests of the African American Community on a
coordinated global scale. Representing the interests of AA wherever we are in the world.
18. Justice - Conflict resolution based on Ma'at; Formulate policy; Coordinate policy and its
application with US justice system
19. Youth - Rites of Passage; survival, competing, conflict resolution
20. Spiritual Growth and Development
21. Women - Rites of Passage, young females; womanhood; professions; aging, trade
22. Men - Men's Rites Of Passage,Youth Rites of passage young boys to men challenge.& spiritual;
fatherhood; husbanding; roles, aging
Round Tables
Round Tables allows for interaction, of the NCBOE and its Ministries, with the wider community on any range of issues, such as homelessness, drugs, criminal justice, abuse, etc. Round Tables include community and/or civic organizations which may specialize in these key areas, and there in a need for coordination or utilization of resources and/or services.
National Formation - The NBCO shall send out the calls for COE's in each community, region or local area, respectively. They shall address specific issues in the nation, region or local area respectively, they shall establish community standards for how local and regional formations can carry out their role and function in the interest of the masses. They will formulate Planning goals and Policy objectives which can be implemented at the local levels. They shall also engage in Fundraising for all levels. Such issues that may be addressed arrests, as Research and Development, Peace and Security, Industry building, Police Abuse, and Prison Resettlement. The National Formation must have commissions and/or ministries in all areas of life of our community, i.e. Finance, Banking, Shipping, Tourism, STEM, Health, Education, Agriculture, Transportation, Rites of Passage, Youth, Women, Men, Diaspora Relations, Continental Relations, Ambassador Corps, Manufacturing, New Industries, Sustainability and Conservation, Ecology and Permaculture, Energy, Spiritual Development, History, Cultural Arts and Enrichment, Planning, Governance, Family Relations, Collective Concern, Defense and Security, Physical Training, Housing, Communications, Media, Public Relations and Journeying (Psychology). The National Council of Elders should be mandated to assembling experts and professionals in each of this areas of interests, and to provide the proper forum for them to interact with each other where necessary, in a multi-dimensional way. It should also set up for inter-generational and multiple localities to interact and engage with other on a regular basis, for mutual benefit.
This body, then, can hold yearly Conferences or Conventions which are made up of a General Assembly of official delegates who vote on Policy, Proposals, Programs, and Projects.
Following the formation of the NBCOE, a public relations campaign will be initiated, announcing the birth of the NBCOE. In addition, notification shall include the mission/vision statement, organizational structure. Information should also be provided on the establishment of Regional and Local COEs.
The above information shall be provided to all known African American organizations. The list of organizations shall be approved by the NBCOE. Contact information should be provided for those wishing to serve on the Regional or Local COE.
The following are only proposed COE regions:
Regional Council of Elders serve as the regional arm of the NBCOE and, reports to the NBCOE. Regional RCOE bodies, shall hold meetings and/or conferences , no less than monthly , in order to address regional issues or, issues that could not be resolved by the corresponding Local Council of Elders (LCOE ). Issues that cannot be resolved by the Regional COE, shall be taken to the National NBCOE for further engagement and resolution. If necessary the NBCOE may take issues to global bodies, such as the African Union. Qualifications for membership shall be the same as those established for the NBCOE.
Formation of Regional RCOE
1. The initial formation of the Regional COE, shall be coordinated with the NCOE. All NBCOE, from one of the designated regions, shall also be designated as members of that Regional COE, in their area.
2. The NBCOE member(s), who live in the designated regional area, will submit names for potential membership on Regional COE. NBCOE member, outside of the designated area are also All NBCOE members are encouraged to submit candidates’ names or any area.
3. It shall be the responsibility of the NCBOE member(s) in the region to acquire all needed information, about each candidate.
4. Candidates, identified through the NBCO mailings, shall be provided to NCOE members, in that region
5. The NCOE member(s), in a specific region, shall review and recommend and grant membership to the Regional COE.
6. A list of all Regional COE members shall be presented to the NBCOE, for final approval.
7. In order to maintain efficient, effective lines of communication, a NBCOE member shall chair the Regional COE.
8. Each regional COE, shall submit written minutes, to the NCOE, no later than 3 week following each meeting.
9. The Chairman of the Regional COE, shall provide a review of the minutes of each Regional COE meeting.
10. The Regional COE shall meet at least monthly.
Local COE, reports directly to the Regional COE and, will work to address local issues and concerns of their respective communities, though in concert with the value orientations within the Principles of Unity and Cooperation. In this manner, we create community standards for this valuable institution, and build a basis for establishing a network of COE which have the capacity to serve as Community Governing bodies and representing the collective interests of the masses of our people in their localities. These COE formations would also be involved in the AU Legacy Project of feeding in the National Data Base of Skills, and of organizing volunteer corps for a variety of purposes based on need. The local COE would also be mandated to mobilize and organize communities on a block by block level, thus, encouraging mass participation in the decision making process affecting the lives of each of our communities. Local COE shall meet monthly. Quantification for membership shall be the same as those established for the NBCOE.
Formation and Structure of the Local COE
1. Regional COE shall be solicited for names of potential candidates.
2. NBCOE may also submit names of potential candidates
3. It shall be the responsibility of the Regional COE to contact African American organizations to solicit names. The NBCOE may this effort.
4. The Regional COE will be responsible to collecting any needed information, regarding each candidacy.
5. For efficient and effective lines of communication, a member of the Regional COE, shall chair the Local COE.
6. The Regional COE shall select candidates and submit names to Regional COE for review and approval
7. A list of Local COE members shall be submitted to both the Regional and NCOE.
8. The Local COE shall meet at least every other month or as designated by the Local COE.
9. Written minutes shall be submitted to the Regional and NBCOE, no later than three weeks following each meeting.
Function of the Local Council of Elders
Membership Composition
1. The Local Council of Elders shall be made up of Women and Men who have proven long term commitment and capacity to preserve, promote and protect the interests of African people, and who have the proven ability to maintain their integrity, intellect and involvement in the affairs of the Black/African Community. These elders must be able to establish a degree of stature and respect in the community, in order to build and maintain Unity, Harmony, Balance, Justice and Order in our Local and National Communities.
Mission - To engage and assist in the building of a National Movement and Network of Council of Elders, whose role and function will be to provide spiritual guidance, formulate policy and to develop programs and projects which contribute to the growth and economic empowerment of the African American National Community.
Purpose - To build Council of Elders in every locality where blacks inhabit in this country around foundational Principles of Unity and Principles of Cooperation; which provides an over-arching ideology for the collective mission of building a National Community, unifying with our Global family in Africa and, the rest of the Diaspora. (These principles can be found in the Kwanzaa Accords to which the FAU and CAP signed onto in 2013, and below.)
The Local Council of Elders will provide Leadership and Governance of Black/African Communities as one of its key roles and responsibilities will be to design, manage and institute policies. programs and projects which build and advance the best interests of our people and communities, Key areas are Health and Wellness, Housing, Education, Youth, Women, Defense, the Elderly and Disabled. Another key area is Industry Growth and Development to insure Economic Development and Job Security. In this capacity the COE must also develop the resources to build the Institutional Capacity and Structures which will ensure Economic Empowerment and Cultural Growth. All subject to Regional and NCOE approval.
The first and foremost priority for the Local Council of Elders is to be Caretakers, Gatekeepers and Stewards of African culture in all of its many and diverse manifestations. These include, but is not limited to, values, principles, progressive rituals, traditions, history, paradigms, cosmologies, worldview, languages, indigenous industries, dances, songs, cuisines, political, social and economic theories and practices, and most of all the integrity and control of our African Land Base, Mother Africa. In these areas, the local COE must be uncompromising, determined and vigilant.
The Local Council of Elders shall create, facilitate, and provide guidance and direction for Institution Building with special focus on Key Growth Industries. Such industries shall be inclusive of, though, not limited to African centered Education, Redefined Health Care Delivery System which emphasizes Holistic Approaches, Agricultural Programs which prioritize Food as Medicine and Medicine as Food, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), Sustainable Energy, Waste and Water Management, Trade and Commerce, Manufacturing, Cultural Travel and Tourism, Community Security and Defense, Creative and Cultural Production (Dance, Music, Theater, Drum, Performing Arts, Literature, Sport, Technology, Fine Art).
The Local Council of Elders will also be responsible for recommending , to the Regional and NCOE, policies for forming alliances and coalitions with groups outside of our community in furtherance of our community's collective goals and objectives, as well as our short and long term interests, as the Council defines them.
The Constitutional Convention/Conference
The Constitutional Convention shall achieve the following purposes:
1. The Constitutional Convention shall serve as the official NBCOE convention.
- Methods and means for building and supporting Local and Regional COE, shall be a prime object.
- Another objective shall be the building and supporting of the National African American Congress
4. It shall also be the responsibility of the Constitutional Congress to perform research for policy formulations, carry out the mandates of the NCOE, and to implement approved programs; based upon its Constitution, Ministries and Committees may be utilized to achieve this goal.
Copyright Simbamaat Consultants, Los Angeles, Calif. 2016
Copyright Simbamaat Consultants, Los Angeles, Calif. 2016
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فروش،نصب و راه اندازي و خدمات انواع درب اتوماتيک (درب سکشنال - کرکره اتوماتيک - کرکره پنجره - درب ريلي اتوماتيک - جک پارکينگي - کرکره شفاف - رول گيتر - انواع راهبند و درب اتوماتيک شيشه اي... )
خدمات 24 ساعته و شبانه روزي حتي در تعطيلات رسمي
مشاوره رايگان در تمامي مراحل